Kitchen Cleaning Tips

Every woman who takes care of the housework knows very well the work of keeping a kitchen always clean and spotless. Although the bathroom is the most remembered environment when it comes to contamination, the kitchen is not far behind and if in doubt, even takes the place of favorite microbes indoors.

The same place where we prepare food and sometimes even eat our meals may have the ideal conditions for germs and bacteria to multiply. The combination of leftover food and humidity in the environment is perfect for microorganisms to develop in the sink, dishcloths, sponge, even in places we realize, such as the stove, microwave, floor and kitchen tiles, refrigerator and meat chopping board.

But calm down, maintaining hygiene in the kitchen is not that difficult. It takes a little more care than just doing the dishes and taking good care of the way food is stored. Stay tuned for some kitchen cleaning tips that will make the task easier.

Cleaning the sink

For cleaning the kitchen sink, you can use detergent, chlorine or mild soap. Use products mixed with water to clean stainless steel, synthetic or granite tops. Drying the sink is critical, using a plastic squeegee can be a great solution for removing excess water. The drain should not be left out of cleaning and remember to use the trimmer and dirt to cover it. Using a mixture of 2 tablespoons of bleach and 1 liter of water in the sink will kill bacteria.

Sponge place is not stored on top of the soap. After use, it should be twisted and stored in a dry place. To disinfect it, use the same bleach mixture indicated for cleaning the sink.

Dishcloths should be washed whenever they are very wet. Prefer to wash them separately, never with the rest of the laundry. To disinfect the dishcloths, use hot water and the bleach solution. Once dry, iron the cloths with very hot iron.

If your meat board is made of wood, get rid of it. Slots in wood are an ideal environment for microorganisms to proliferate. Prefer the polyethylene or glass boards, which besides being hygienic are easy to clean. Use a mixture of water, detergent and alcohol.

It is common to find in the kitchens those small dumpsters that are on the sink. Avoid them and prefer the larger ones, which are on the floor and have a pedal, this prevents the hands from contact with the garbage. Change the trash bag daily.

Cleaning the appliances

Time to clean the fridge and freezer. Inside, these appliances can be cleaned with a damp cloth in a solution that takes 1 tbsp of baking soda for every 2 liters of water. Wipe well. To clean the outside, use mild soap and water.

Microwave cleaning is easy. Inside, use a damp cloth with soap or detergent, no removers. The outside of the microwave is clean if you use a cloth dampened with mild soap and water. Finally, use a dry cloth that should also be used to clean the control panel.

The next tip is cleaning the stove. Sanitize the stove using a sponge or thin cloth with mild soap and water. After rinsing, dry with a soft dry cloth. That heavier dirt that insists on sticking to the stove can be removed with a little baking soda and apple cider vinegar. Never use removers and caustic products, they spoil the stove.

Cleaning floor and tiles

Begin cleaning the kitchen tiles by grouting where the dirt accumulates the most. Remove stubborn dirt with the help of a stylus. Then rub the tiles with a cloth soaked in a specific cleaning product, mix with water in proportion to a measure of water remover to three. Once the tiles are dry, wipe them off.

To clean the kitchen floor, scrub the solution thoroughly with bleach (2 tablespoons of bleach for each liter of water). It is not recommended to use detergent or washing powder with bleach, as the mixture can nullify the disinfectant action of the products and thus the microorganisms are still alive in your kitchen. In lighter dirt, it is best to drip eight drops of detergent to each liter of water and wipe the mixture with a cloth.

CHEAP CLEANING TIPS | How to deep clean your kitchen! (May 2024)

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