What not to do in front of your partner

When we start a new relationship, we feel like sharing everything with the loved one. However, too much intimacy can even upset the relationship between a couple.

It is important to remember that when we are dating or even in marriage, we should strive to maintain our privacy and individuality. This practice is fundamental to the survival of the relationship because, in this way, we respect each other's space and also make them respect ours, avoiding unnecessary discussions and disagreements.

Use the toilet in the presence of the partner

In addition to being unnecessary, this custom can be very annoying. It is not because you love each other that you need to live with each other's physiological needs.

Leave underwear thrown around the bathroom

Many women have the habit of washing their panties while showering. The problem is when, after being washed, the lingerie is left to dry hanging on the shower log or the box handle, for example.

The practice, besides being unpleasant, is also unhygienic, since the panties are exposed to various fungi and bacteria. The same goes for any underwear forgotten by the house, even if it's clean.

Shaving in front of partner

Of course he knows that you shave, but we all know that the hair removal process can make a good mess involving hair, wax and wax remover oil. Avoid this embarrassment simply because there is no need to share the experience with your love.

Change absorbent

All right, you are close; it may be until they have been together for many years, but no one deserves to watch as you change your tampon. Exception, with exceptions, for when you get out of the bath and simply want to put a clean pad. Even so, only do it in front of the cat when there is no escape.

Dye your hair

This is not a general rule, but in most cases, coloring your hair in front of your partner can be disappointing. That profusion of paint spread on his forehead, the (often grocery bag) wrapped around his head, and the strong smell of chemicals are not usually successful seduction devices. If it's inevitable every now and then, that's fine, but if you can spare your love of such a scene, the better.

In fact, whether or not to share moments of extreme intimacy should be a decision of the couple. There are relationships that survive very well even if there is a great deal of intimacy between the partners. The recommendations are, in general, for the couple to maintain their individuality and not confuse their personal life with their lives. In addition, a little privacy guarantees that mystery of beginning of relationship, which is good for the? Health? of the couple.

Try to devote a few hours a week to activities that make you feel good without necessarily having your boyfriend or husband together. Read, listen to songs you like, talk to a friend, watch a movie, or just stare at the ceiling. These moments are precious and allow you to keep your personal life up to date, although you have a wonderful companion with whom you can share other special moments.

What Not To Do In Front Of Your Crush! (April 2024)

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