Why don't some people just get fat?

In a world where most people struggle to lose a pound or so, it seems unfair that some individuals feel so much difficulty in precisely the opposite task: getting fat. This happens due to differences in metabolism from person to person.

Body mass index (BMI) is a calculation obtained by dividing a person's total weight by their squared height. The general recommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO) is that the body mass index should be greater than 18.5 and less than 24.99. Under 18.5 a person is considered clinically underweight or malnourished. Similarly, with a BMI over 25, a person is considered overweight.

Adequate food

Investing in fatty foods or eating large amounts of food throughout the day are not the best ways to gain weight, as these habits can negatively affect body functioning, increasing cholesterol levels and disrupting heart function, for example.

According to nutritionists, the best option is to consult a professional in the area for a complete dietary education, organizing times and types of food to be eaten. In addition, combining a proper diet with physical activity is also essential.

Lean dough

In extreme cases, the dietitian may recommend complementary treatment based on synthetic dietary supplements. Some of the frequent components of these supplements are proteins, amino acids, creatine and vitamin C. Those who choose this type of diet should maintain strict nutritional monitoring, in addition to the guidance of a physical education professional during training sessions held at the gym.

All this eating and physical structure leads to the gain of the so-called "lean mass", ie, the person gains weight, but does not gain fat. All weight gained is due to the development of muscles. This type of treatment usually makes the body very muscular and therefore is almost always the choice of men.

For those who want to gain weight with health, the ideal is to split meals at least seven times a day, and start with hot dishes, not salad. Should one also investigate one's habits? if there is any eating disorder ?, energy expenditure, sleep, the genetic question, and see if the patient has worked out before or not. Who has never trained and wants to stay strong needs to wait a little longer? Says nutritionist Emy Takahashi.

So no change in diet or taking supplements on your own. If you are "lean to bad", the first step is to look for a nutritionist.

Why French People Don't Get Fat: The REAL reasons! (April 2024)

  • Food, Diets
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