10 products with expiration date but no one knows

It is very easy to see when a food has passed its expiration date: it takes on other shapes, colors and smells. We are always looking at these dates, either at home or in the supermarket aisles, as they are well stamped on product packaging.

However, there are some items that, while not having an expiration date, also lose their effects and properties over time.

Attention: It is important that you know what these objects are! Eyelash masks and shavers, for example, can develop various bacteria after a while of use. Sunscreen, on the other hand, simply fails to protect your skin when its validity has expired, and may lead to sunburn.

Check out the list we have prepared and take a good look at the things you have in your home. Isn't it time to make some replacements?

1. Spices

The shelf life of dry seasonings will depend on how they are stored and what types they are. After a while they may gradually lose their flavor. On average, this period is 2 to 3 years.

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2. Fire Extinguisher

You don't want to compromise your safety or that of your family, do you? Most fire extinguishers do not expire for up to 5 to 15 years, depending on their type. However, hose cracks or pressure problems can affect its operation. It is important to check these details periodically.

3. Bath Sponges

Because of its humidity and poor lighting, the bathroom is often the ideal place for bacterial growth. In bath sponges this is no different. It is recommended that you make replacements each month at most. And remember to sanitize and dry the sponges you already have in use? if possible daily.

4. Running shoes

In sports it is important that you have a sneaker that lowers your body weight and does not cause injury. After reaching certain amount of mileage? between 400 and 500 km -, sneakers begin to lose this resistance, which can mean an additional load on your joints, being harmful.

5. Sunscreen

Once in contact with water, sand and greasy hands, the sunscreen package may be erased from the expiration date. So it's good to know when you bought the product: the properties that protect your skin from sunlight last up to three years and may vary from brand to brand.

6. Lipsticks

Yes, our precious make-up also has expiration dates. Keep an eye on eyelashes and lipsticks especially. Bacteria can grow in open mascara tubes in just over three months. Lipsticks usually change their consistency after two years. You know: if they smell different and have a strange texture, don't use them anymore.

Also read: 11 Bad Makeup Habits You Should Exclude From Your Life

7. Alcoholic Beverages

Unlike wines, which age over time, alcoholic beverages that remain closed will not change. However, open bottles begin to change in taste after one year. A tip is to keep the bottles? both open and closed? in a cool place.

8. Bleach

Bleach and cleaning products generally begin to lose power after three months. This is not a problem for house cleaning, but remember that the disinfectant power will no longer be the same.

9. Disposable Razors

As its name suggests, shaving and shaving blades are disposable. But you know after how long use? Keep an eye on: To prevent bacterial proliferation, is it best to use one slide a week? or change every three or four uses. And besides, avoid using the same blade as other people.

10. Insect Repellent

Very useful, especially during periods of high temperatures and holidays, repellents lose their effectiveness around two years after their date of manufacture. Do not let the insects beat you, have noted when you bought the product!

A good tip is to keep a file? can it be on mobile or computer? with the date you purchased your products and the suggested shelf life for them.

Also read: 15 Healthiest Supermarket Foods

10 Foods That Will Never Expire (Part 2) (April 2024)

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