How to pass the cream against cellulite?

Characterized by the appearance of lumps in the buttocks, thighs, breasts, legs, and back of the back, cellulitis may intensify further after pregnancy, physical inactivity, and the absence of a balanced diet.

But if a woman seeks to see a dermatologist, pass preventative or reducing creams correctly, and combine a balanced diet and exercise, they can be treated and minimized.

According to the dermatofunctional physiotherapist, Paula de França, cellulite is classified into four levels. They are: grade I, when the cellulite is internal, not seen or felt, can only be seen when the skin is tightened; grade II, the skin already has a padded appearance and when pressed, becomes yellowish due to the accumulation of toxins; grade III, there are visible buds and the nodules are easily felt to the touch; grade IV, cellulite is already evident even under the clothes.

For Paula, the expectation of nodule improvement may decrease according to levels. Therefore, the faster they are treated, the greater and better the chances of getting rid of them. One treatment option that can be done at home is the application of reducing and preventative creams in the affected areas. But, you need to know how to apply it, as the right movements will ensure higher result.

The physiotherapist says that to enhance the action of the product, it is best to apply the anti-cellulite cream by massaging. To activate local blood circulation, Paula suggests "pinching the entire length of the thigh and buttocks."

For this reason, she recommends passing the cream by sliding from bottom to top, ie from the knee towards the thigh and buttock, in front and behind. Also slide with pressure across the entire thigh and buttocks. Then close your hand and perform circular movements all over your thigh, placing greater emphasis on the region of the buttocks and the buttock.

It is also important to use at least twice a week, the scrub on the thighs and butt, because it removes dead cells, further facilitating the absorption of the product in the skin.

Foods That Help In Preventing Cellulite

Before joining a specific diet, Paula recommends that you go to a nutritionist to indicate the best menu to follow. But the physiotherapist indicates some foods that may help in treating and preventing unwanted cellulite.

Brown Rice: Contains fiber, B vitamins and minerals (magnesium and chromium), favoring sugar digestion and bowel function, helping to eliminate toxins from the body.

Oatmeal: Rich in silicon, rearranges the skin's supporting fibers and prevents the formation of holes. How about consuming during breakfast?

Hibiscus tea: The diuretic action of hibiscus turned the plant into a great ally of women in the fight against cellulite.

Extra virgin olive oil: Has anti-inflammatory action, that is, combats edema caused by cellulite. Associated with flaxseed oil, it becomes more potent. Olive tea is also an ally.

Brazil nuts: Carries selenium, an important antioxidant against cell aging.

Dark green leaves: They are a source of chlorophyll, improve circulation and detoxify the body.


  • Cellulite, Body, Stretch Marks
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