10 Simple Attitudes to Help You Overcome Insecurity

Do you know when that fear hits or that feeling of helplessness that won't let you move on? This is insecurity, a sensation known to almost everyone precisely because it need not appear as a constant and general problem. In fact, insecurity is present in different aspects of life, depending on each person and their previous experiences.

When we talk about insecurity, we talk about something very broad. This is important to put in because I am not necessarily an insecure person in all areas. I may be a sexually insecure person, but on the other hand, I am professionally safe. I can speak well in public but can't handle my nude. Or, I'm safe to be with friends but, on the other hand, I can't dialogue with my parents. So insecurity happens according to personality, essence and experience, what the person collected and what he absorbed? Explains the clinical psychologist Pâmela Magalhães.

It is through the exercise of a personal-historical review that one can see where one's insecurity is most pronounced and then begin to make moves to get rid of it at once. Insecurity, if not addressed, can lead to real discomfort, disrupting social, professional and loving life, among other aspects.

The good news is that insecurity can be fought and everyone has that power. Enjoy these precious and simple tips that will help you deal with this feeling:

1. Work self-knowledge

An important first step is self awareness. The more you know yourself, the easier it will be to identify where your insecurity is and then to see what small point changes can be made to begin to circumvent this condition.

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2. Look for examples you admire

Find people and attitudes that can be referrals to you. For example, are you afraid of public speaking? How about watching great speakers and seeing how they perform in front of an audience? By imitating some security ideals, you will gradually be able to internalize that way of putting yourself, becoming safer and with more repertoire. Gradually, you will find that mimicking is becoming your own more consistent and secure way of acting.

3. One step at a time

Psychologist Pâmela Magalhães suggests that starting with small steps can make the process a lot easier: “A nice tip is not to think at first big steps about noisy things, because laziness can talk too loudly. So start making small movements and so adjust and encourage yourself to move on. In this way we become more fit and stimulated for something even greater. Does this building cycle unfold until great things can really be accomplished?

4. Listen to yourself more

An important aspect of overcoming insecurity is focusing more on yourself than others. Listening to external expectations is always important, but even more essential is that you listen to their internal voices. Focusing on what the other expects can make you forget what really matters to you. Try to prioritize your choices and intentions, as seeking to match what people expect can be an endless and endless path.

5. Take care of yourself

Security and self-esteem go hand in hand and one can influence the other. ? Insecurity is closely related to self-esteem. Try to cherish yourself, to esteem yourself more because when this happens, our self-esteem becomes more nourished. Do good things for yourself, take care of your body, take care of your mental health, take care of the repertoire so that it becomes steadier, go after something you care about, make beneficial moves for yourself? All this makes us safer with our self-esteem, leaving less and less room for insecurity ?, comments Pâmela Magalhães.

6. Forget the Insecurities of the Past

Aren't you carrying limiting beliefs back in the days of the old lady? If yesterday you failed to accomplish something, you may be able to do it today. Sometimes a person believes he or she is insecure in some respect, but that feeling is based on a long time ago experience that may no longer be real. For example, there are people who for years consider that they have no ability to lose weight. Others who, because of their youth experience, find public speaking very difficult.Avoid repeating to yourself old insecurities when in reality the reality is no longer the same. This repetition may favor the permanence of insecurity in your life.

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7. Don't Surrender

Insecurity is often tied to giving up, a? Letting go? of yourself. In this case, the person stays in the same place waiting for something miraculous to happen. Start making moves for yourself, looking for what you need to do and what moves are possible right now: We are not born safe, we are not born full of parameters. We are not born, walking even with the vocabulary we have today. We are not born psychologists or journalists, but we are acquiring these security. That is: the same process is possible with security. It can be acquired and this movement depends on the impulse of each ?, completes the psychologist Pâmela Magalhães.

8. Think Positive

Try to strive to maintain positive thinking. This will make it easier to overcome your fears and face insecurity. If other people can, you are capable too. Avoid destructive or categorical thoughts, such as thinking that you have no ability or will never be able to reach that goal. Gradually it is possible!

9. Avoid Comparisons

Comparisons with other people who have achieved certain things we are aiming for is a dead end. As said before, each person has their experiences and their times. When viewing people who are referrals to what you want to achieve, rather than overestimating the age, salary, or results others have, think about how you can get there, and avoid making comparisons as much as possible: they can completely take away your energy of change. .

10. In crises, start with something where you have complete security.

Has everything gone wrong, is your self-esteem boycotting you, has it got into a screw of insecurity thinking you won't be able to reach that goal? A good tip to get out of these crises is to do something small, but that you can do very well. Are you good at cooking? How about dropping everything for a few moments and preparing that dish you know will turn out perfect? In this way the feelings of helplessness or disability gradually diminish and the monster of insecurity is weakened.

Insecurity can accompany us throughout life, at different levels, in different aspects of life. The most important thing is to know that it can be overcome through small steps and small changes in behavior. Don't be beaten by this ghost, grab these tips and move on more and more prepared!

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