10 Things Every Parent Should Take When Leaving Home with the Baby

Those who have newborn children know that leaving home with the baby is an arduous task, as you need to take a little of everything to make the ride smooth and pleasant.

This is essential for enjoying moments with the little ones without having any unforeseen events.

See a list of 10 items every mom or dad needs to have? and take on the rides? and prepare the bag in advance. Certainly knowing this will help (and a lot!) The next few times you go for a walk with the baby.

1. Diapers

It seems obvious, but it costs nothing to check for diapers in the bag. It may happen that in an emergency you need to change the baby and only then notice that the diapers are gone.

2. Snacks

Babies get irritated when they are hungry, and once they are past their breastfeeding stage and have had their food introduced, having a few snacks on hand will help ward off the irritation and pain that may arise.

Read also: How should I deal with each type of crying child?

3. Wet wipes

There are a thousand and one uses. They can clean dirty hands, kill germs on tables and carts and even wipe their noses.

4. Diaper rash ointment

You never know when a diaper rash will appear. Having these ointments is good for times when you need to take care of some irritation on your baby's skin.

5. Extra clothes

It's not just diapers that can get dirty. The baby may drool, vomit, something may be spilled. It is common for clothes to get dirty and it is important to have other options to change. Also take an extra shirt for you, it may be necessary.

6. Coverings

The temperature may seem good, but the wind can always come. Keep a small cover in the baby's bag to protect it from the cold.

7. Toys

Many babies have their favorite toys that help even make them calmer. Bringing and offering this item can make the ride a lot more enjoyable for everyone.

Also read: 4 Ways to Change Baby Diapers

8. Alcohol Gel

You prefer to wash your hands after a diaper change, but sometimes this is not possible. Keeping a bottle of alcohol gel will give you peace of mind when there is no sink nearby.

9. Washcloth or Bib

Sometimes the baby ends up vomiting after breastfeeding or eating. Having a rag helps solve these very common small incidents.

10. Plastic Bags

Got a dirty diaper and don't know where to put it? Use a plastic bag! Babies' clothes are dirty and you need to take them home but don't want to contaminate the whole car? Plastic bag! You will need them in many moments.

One tip is to have a purse or backpack for the exclusive use of baby things. So just prepare everything in advance by placing each of these items, and do the rides quietly.

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