8 tips for you to sleep better

It is through a night's sleep that we can know if our day will be good or not. A good night's sleep influences your mood and the energy of the day ahead.

Unfortunately, there are over eighty sleep disorders, including insomnia and apnea. These disorders make people feel unwell, nervous and drowsy during the day, causing them to lack concentration to perform their daily tasks.

But what is the remedy for a good night's sleep?

Medicine only with medical consultation and if really necessary. Most of the time, the secret to a good night's sleep is simple. By following the 8 tips below correctly, you will soon sleep soundly and be able to surrender more in your days.

  1. The pillow is sleep's best friend. Choose well the material of your pillow and the position it is placed. Sleeping on your side is the best option, with the height of the pillow equal to the distance between the outside of the arm and neck.
  2. Avoid sleeping as soon as you arrive from work. Try to get distracted and relax before.
  3. TV or computer may delay the production of substances that signal that it is time for bed. Turn them off.
  4. Do not exercise near bedtime. Do this at least 4 hours before going to bed.
  5. Eat light meals and don't overdo it at dinner. Avoid eating red meat at night, it produces adrenaline-boosting substances.
  6. Herbs like chamomile help you sleep and improve the quality of sleep. Making tea before bed is guaranteed tranquility.
  7. Avoid alcoholic beverages. The feeling of relaxation is momentary and loosens the pharyngeal structures, compromising breathing and causing snoring, which will make you wake up several times at night.
  8. A warm bath and a few drops of lavender oil on the pillow will help you relax and sleep well.

Simple and easy tips that will make your evenings much more enjoyable. Never forget to sleep at least seven hours a night to wake up willingly the next day. Good night!

8 Tips for Better Sleep | Bedroom Feng Shui (May 2024)

  • Prevention and Treatment, Sleep
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