Store Types: Popup, Outlet, and Flagship

Consumers increasingly have immediate needs and implicit desires, as well as longing for added values, because today, the service, point of sale, packaging and values ​​related to their lifestyle are as or more important than the product itself. acquired. Here is the need for a brand to position itself correctly and understand, anticipate, and win over the customer in order to counter its competitors.

Meet three of retail store formats on the rise amid big brands? pop-up store, outlet and flagship store? as the difference between the strategies adopted by each one, in order to attend to several niches and potential consumers.

Pop up stores

Defined as temporary stores that attract consumers precisely because of the short term they are open, pop up stores, stand out and are successful through artistic and related interventions. This is how a pop up store: Unlike traditional ventures planned over long periods, a few days or months are sufficient for a pop up store take shape.

However, unlike a traveling store, it does not require continuity; What defines its concept is the possibility of exploring a place in a momentary way, such as its audience and the potential of the business, being the great advantage to capture and interpret opportunities, thus making the consumer, in fact, believe in an idea. remote and transient to be enjoyed at a certain time.

Outlet stores

OutletHowever, it is the name given to a new retail sales market where producers and industries sell their products directly to the public. The stores, located outside major cities or malls, have the benefit of reducing maintenance costs, advertising and profits of retail chains, thus enabling the sale of large brands and luxury brands at affordable prices.

In the eastern United States, in the 1930s, the concept of factory outlets came to offer their employees surplus or damaged products at reduced prices, and so remained until the mid-1970s. currently titled outlet stores Manufacturers sell their products directly to the end consumer.

Flagship stores

Do Flagship stores or concept stores translate as stores where the products that best define the concept that guides a brand come together? your essence? presented in an innovative way. They soon became references in the world's leading cities associated with fashion, culture, commerce and entertainment, and because of the high degree of investment involved, they mirror the grandeur and position of a particular brand.

Established throughout the 1990s, flagships stores They tend to establish and communicate the strength of such an enterprise, and carry an innovative impact on a particular theme or lifestyle. In Brazil, the Havaianas concept store, for example, offers customers the possibility of customizing their pair of sandals in a "market stall", which refers to the popular origin of the brand.

If you are interested in open your own store, plan to choose the type that best suits your purpose, need and will serve your customer satisfactorily as well.

Nike Retail Design by Wiston Then (April 2024)

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