What is happiness?

?Happiness is an individual problem. Here, any advice is valid. Each one should strive, for themselves, to become happy. (Freud)

Man seeks his whole life to ?Happiness?Such a beautiful word that means so many different things that it is difficult to define it, but I will try this article.

Asking what happiness is is as subjective as asking what your favorite food is. There are times in our life when we like Japanese food and after going to all the restaurants there are and eating Japanese food for a long time, we suddenly eat a noodle and realize that happiness exists in other ways. Happiness need not be exclusive, much less limited to certain moments or actions.

I like to think of happiness as an acquired gift. No one is born with a sense of fulfillment and fulfillment, on the contrary, the first feelings that the mother feels after childbirth is of immense emptiness, just as birth is a frustrating and traumatic situation for the baby, who needs to adapt quickly. to the new world you are in.

The feeling of happiness is experienced moments later, when the mother holds her baby in her lap and is able to feel love in its purest form while breastfeeding, and the baby may experience its first sensation of pleasure, satisfying his hunger.

Happiness is a feeling that must be experienced and tested throughout our lives from birth. And that guarantees greater freedom of choice than we think.

Another interesting point that I like to think about is that happiness is individual and non-transferable. Each one experiences it in a different way and at different times, so if you try to be happy using someone else's recipe, it may not work.

Given this concept, you can only be happy if you know each other very well and understand your feelings in the face of specific situations and thoughts.

Self-knowledge may be the key to the pursuit of happiness, but it is not what accomplishes it. Once you know each other very well and know what brings you that feeling, there must be the action. Without action, happiness becomes a utopia and becomes an ideology. Many people live a lifetime seeking happiness and do not realize that happiness must be created and not found.

    Recommended reading: 51 things that can make you happy

Being happy is hard work, we often have to leave old habits and experiences behind to make room for the new. As long as we choose the easy way out, the results will be the easiest.

Therefore, if we think that happiness is an individual gift and acquired through self-knowledge and especially action, we can say that happiness only happens if there is a change of thought and attitude.

As Albert Einstein already said: "There is no greater show of insanity than doing the same thing in the same way, day after day, and expecting different results." This force for change is also an individual aspect, as the world does not change on its own.

Happiness is a choice and so we must know what price we want to pay for it. When we understand the gains and losses from these changes we can control and question the losses and then make this process less painful.

    Reflects: What do you do today to be happy?

And don't forget that "The energetic and successful man is what manages to turn the fantasies of desire into reality." (Freud)

What Is Happiness? - An Extremely Advanced Definition Of Happiness (April 2024)

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