Mites: What They Are, Symptoms And How To Eliminate Them From Environments

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Most people have heard of mites, which are quickly associated with symptoms of allergic conditions such as sneezing, coughing, discharge, itching and nasal obstruction, among other symptoms that both impair a person's quality of life.

For those who suffer, for example, from allergic rhinitis and asthma, mites are, by the way, great villains. However, not everyone knows what mites really are, why they are so harmful to health, and how they can be avoided indoors, in the office, or in another environment. Understand below how mites act, where they are, and what are the main measures to combat them.

Content Index:

  • What are dust mites
  • How to prevent and eliminate
  • Symptoms of the presence of mites

What are dust mites

Larissa Macedo de Camargo (CRM-DF 16425), otorhinolaryngologist, member of the Brazilian Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Cervical-Facial Surgery, explains that mites are smaller than one millimeter of the arachnid class, with incredible ability to explore numerous habitats. "They are adapted to spread in water, soil, as well as parasites in plants and other animals," he says.

The otorhinolaryngologist points out that house dust mites have great replication capacity, in huge concentration in small environments. “They survive well on mattresses, rugs, cushions, sofas, plush, damp places and feed on flaking human and animal skin. It is believed that in a square meter can concentrate up to 100,000 mites ?, says.

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Mites are harmful to health because, as Larissa explains, in contact with the upper airway (nasal cavity, oral cavity or eyes), they trigger an immune response by stimulating the release of substances such as histamine. "These substances cause the classic symptoms of allergic conditions, such as sneezing, nasal obstruction, clear discharge (runny nose), nasal itch, cough, as well as skin symptoms such as allergic dermatitis," explains the otolaryngologist.

Types of Mites

Larissa recalls that the diversity is huge, reaching almost 50 thousand species. Among which can be highlighted:

  • Dermatophagoides farinae: Mites considered the main cause of dermatitis and asthma, present in bedding, mattresses, pillows, carpets, rugs and stuffed animals.
  • Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus: species also known to be present in carpets, mattresses, pillows, bedding and carpet; It can also cause asthma and dermatitis.
  • Blomia Tropicalis: mites especially present in household dust.
  • Lepidoglyphus destructor: It can be found in household dust as well as infesting stored foods and products.
  • Sarcoptes scabiei: the female of this species causes human scabies and also scabies in animals.

As mites are totally harmful to health and quality of life, attention to combat / prevention measures is essential.

How to eliminate dust mites

Larissa points out that the focus for reducing mites is to optimize cleaning care. Check below some tips specific to the main environments in which mites are.

Living room

Having a vacuum cleaner at hand is interesting, often dusting the room and other environments in the house.

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The otolaryngologist Larissa explains that avoiding eating on sofas, performing waterproofing treatments and using anti-allergic covers are measures that reduce the burden of mites. "Daily sun exposure is important, which reduces concentration," he says.

• In plants, it is important to observe yellowish spots, brown spots; Pruning is often important. Strengthening manure and placing plants in the sun can help reduce the effects of mite action ?, Larissa adds.


Larissa explains that the ideal is to change pillows regularly, perform mattress aspiration, make use of anti-allergic covers on mattresses and pillows. "Avoiding feeding on mattresses is a protective measure against mite concentration," he says.

According to the doctor, the ideal is that the cleaning of bed linen is done weekly. "But in hotter periods, when we sweat more, the frequency can be every three days," he advises.


Important sources of mite are dishcloths and tablecloths, which should be changed more than once a month, as Larissa advises.

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Cabinets should be sanitized once a week. Care must also be taken with the dishes, never accumulating dirty dishes. Special attention is given to kitchen sponges, an important focus of mites, which should be changed weekly?


The main caution is regarding towels, which are sources of dust mites. They should be washed in hot water often. Ideally, this should be done every three uses, always careful to extend them (never let them play) ?, Larissa guides.

"The hygiene of the toilet and tooth and soap holder is also important in this regard," adds the otolaryngologist.


Larissa explains that both the office and the other rooms of the house should always be fresh and clean. "Opening the windows, letting in the sun, making the environment as airy as possible, as well as reducing the use of rugs and carpets, are essential tips," he says.

It is noteworthy that dust mites can affect pets, especially cats. According to Larissa, one of the main manifestations in cats is otitis externa, which manifests with dark brown discharge, itching and shaking of the head. "The treatment consists of topical medications under the guidance of the veterinarian", comments.

Symptoms of the presence of mites

But, how to identify when mites are affecting your health? Larissa comments that the main symptoms will be presented according to the affected site, and we can highlight:

  • Rhinitis: with symptoms such as nasal itch, runny nose, nasal obstruction, watery eyes, sneezing, impaired sleep quality, reduced nasal breathing capacity, reduced quality of life.
  • Allergic Asthma: Pulmonary inflammatory process characterized by cough, breathing difficulty and wheezing sensation.
  • Atopic dermatitis: skin manifestations characterized by itching, redness and skin lesions.
  • Conjunctivitis: may trigger burning sensation, light sensitivity, eyelid swelling, significant redness.
  • Scabies: caused by the female of the species Sarcoptes scabie, penetrates the skin, releases eggs, triggering a local allergic reaction, which causes itching, traumatic scratching injuries.

Interestingly, in animals the species Sarcoptes scabie causes sarcoptic mange. But, Larissa points out, it is noteworthy that dogs and cats do not transmit scabies, the contagion occurs only between humans, contact with people and contaminated objects.

Now you know why dust mites are harmful to health. But by taking simple measures, they can be prevented from proliferating indoors or in other environments. Enjoy and clarify your doubts about allergic rhinitis.

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