Buffaloberry: the new superfood?

The name is exotic and you may never have even heard of Buffaloberry. But surely will be delighted with all the benefits that this fruit? has been touted as a new superfood? can offer to your health.

Small, red and slightly sour, Buffaloberry is a native fruit of Canada's small provinces and, because it is rich in nutrients, has surprised scientists. Research from the University of Saskatchewan, for example, found that it is very rich in substances with high health impact.

Buffaloberry Benefits

Vivian Ragasso, Cohen Institute sports nutritionist, explains that this native Canadian fruit is rich in vitamin C and anthocyanins? which are highly antioxidant.

"In addition to increased immunity and collagen precursor due to the high amount of vitamin C, this fruit has anthocyanins that act on pain modulation, so they are ideal in the work of injury recovery," explains the nutritionist.

"Anthocyanins are still antioxidants, provide anti-inflammatory effects and act as a cardiovascular protector," adds the professional.

The Saskatchewan University study even found that the very high vitamin C content found in Buffaloberry is equivalent to the amount of vitamin C in four oranges. It is also believed that the fruit can protect the person against some cancers and premature aging.

How to use it?

Vivian Ragasso points out that the fruit is very versatile and can be used to make juices, smoothies, cake syrups, jams, and accompanying yogurts.

The nutritionist also adds that, in addition to all the benefits mentioned above, fruit is a good ally of the diet because it is low in calories.

Where to find her?

Perhaps this is your only "defect". Buffaloberry is still considered a rare fruit and, as nutritionist Vivian points out, it is very difficult to find in Brazil. "But in large importers in the Sao Paulo market, Ceasa (State Supply Centers) and emporiums that sell differentiated products should be possible to find the fruit," he says.

Out of Brazil

Buffaloberry is widely used in small villages where people believe the fruit has the power to treat and prevent a variety of diseases and health problems: arthritis, tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, stomach problems, fever, stomach cancer, gallstones and gynecological problems.

Although popular belief in this fruit power and recent studies have pointed to some of its benefits, more research needs to be done to prove the effect of Buffaloberry on all of these diseases.

Silverleaf Buffaloberry | Winter Superfood (April 2024)

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