13 practical tricks you need to learn now

Check out some practical tips from the BuzzFeed portal to help you in your daily life:

1 ? Laceie your ballet flats in less than five minutes

Step 1: Wear thick socks, and then your sneakers. Step 2: Dry them with a hair dryer around the region that is squeezing you for a few minutes. Step 3: Keep them on your feet with your socks until they cool completely. Step 4: Test them, and repeat the process until the foot stretches and fits your foot size without tightening.

2 ? Prevent rings from staining your fingers

With a thin layer of clear nail polish around your rings, you will be free of unwanted green spots on your finger at the end of the day.

3? Use a pumice stone to remove the balls from your clothes

Marbles that stick to the fabric after washing can be removed with a pumice stone. Just rub it on your clothes like a hair remover roller.

4? Hang your bags with bathroom curtain hooks

It's a simple way to be able to store a considerable number of bags without taking up a lot of space in your wardrobe.

5? Use looser ponytails to prevent hair loss

When you tie your hair too tight (and often) a hair loss may occur. Try not to tie your hair too often, and when you do, don't do it tightly.

6? White wine neutralizes red wine stains

Yes, you read correctly. When you are at a party, and accidentally spill some red wine on your shirt, immediately pour the white wine over the stain and let it air dry. White neutralizes red, making stain removal easier.

7? Store your makeup on a magnet board

This is a good way to keep track of your makeup, and keep them organized. Do like in the cosmetics stores. Use a magnet on the makeup and place it on a metal plate.

8? Remove Deodorant Stains With Dryer Wipes

Rub the stain in a circular motion and the tissues will absorb the deodorant. Make sure the handkerchief has not left fibers in the fabric or the clothing will be grayed out.

9? Paint your keys with enamel to easily distinguish them

This tip will be very useful when you have the key ring and you need to try one by one to find out which one works out for a particular door. Differentiate them with different colors for each door.

10? Cool your white wine with iced grapes instead of ice

This prevents the taste of the wine from changing with ice water.

11? When packing a suitcase, store your shoes in a hair cap

This is a simple way not to let the soles of your shoes get your clean clothes inside the suitcase.

12? Apply baking soda to shoes to eliminate odors

When you wear shoes without socks, your feet sweat and sweat causes bacteria to proliferate. These bacteria cause the odors. To eliminate them, use baking soda.

13? Clean the mascara applicator with warm water

Put the mascara applicator in warm water, this will clean the applicator and make it easier to apply the product on next use. Also, do not remove and place the applicator several times in the mascara tube. The correct movement is to rotate it, still inside the tube, to then apply it.

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