15 Amazing Uses Of Butter

Butter is a product derived from cow's milk produced since the time of prehistory. Made from whipped milk to a water and fat emulsion, it is recommended for moderate doses.

Despite being a food rich in saturated fat and cholesterol, who doesn't like butter in warm bread? And what about that smelling butter in the pan frying the onion or the melted butter on the corn?

It made your mouth water, didn't it? What you do not realize is that butter has not only culinary properties. It can be used for a variety of functions, from removing stains to preventing bruising, for example.

Check out these and 15 other amazing uses of butter.

1. Shine metals and leather goods

Using a cotton cloth, rub a little butter on the surfaces of metals or leather goods. The brightness of the pieces will be back in a moment!

2. Remove paint stains on plastic

Rub the marks with butter and leave the plastic items in the sun for a few days.

3. Clean wood watermarks

Cover the butter-stained area and let it sit overnight, wipe the next morning with a cotton cloth.

4. Silence a creaking door

Apply some butter on the hinges and you're done, your door will stop making those annoying noises.

5. Wipe the glue off your hands

To remove glue, rub some butter on your hands.

6. Nonstick Knife

When to cut foods like caramel, marshmallows or pies? that usually stick to the knife? butter it to help it slide more easily through food.

7. Avoid mold

To prevent mold from forming on cheese you can butter it.

8. Remove fish odors

No one deserves that smell of fish in their hands. The solution? Rub some butter on your hands to remove the odor.

9. Preserve the Onion

Apply a little butter to the onion and wrap it in aluminum foil. This way you will keep the onion fresh longer.

10. Restore a candle

You can shine the decorative candles by rubbing them with a little butter.

11. Pill Ingestion

If you have difficulty taking tablets, butter it. This will make the process easier.

12. Soothe tired feet

Massage the sore feet with butter and then wrap them in a warm, moist towel.

13. Beauty Treatment

Who would say, butter can even be used as a beauty treatment! It serves as a shaving cream, to nourish dry skin or brittle nails, soften hands and even as a hair conditioner (in emergencies).

14. Remove a stuck ring

Can't remove the ring? Apply a little butter to your finger enough to lubricate it. That way the ring will come off easily.

15. Avoid bruising

Massage the affected area with butter right after the injury. Phosphates in butter will help prevent the appearance of marks.

6 Cool Uses for Butter (April 2024)

  • Cleaning
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