15 little habits that can make a big difference in your life

We know that you have a hectic routine and it can be tricky to adopt new habits for a better life and health. However, there are some small changes you can make in your day to day life that are capable of making a big positive impact.

Do most of them only require a few minutes a day? and some will even help you have more free time. Therefore, it is worth knowing these habits and putting them into practice:

1. Wear sunscreen every day

The radiation emitted by the sun goes through clouds and windows and intensifies the aging process, favoring the appearance of spots and wrinkles. Therefore it is necessary to use protector even on cloudy days or when you will be indoors.

2. Leave your things tidy for another day

Before going to bed, separate the clothes and accessories you are going to wear the next day and have your bag packed with everything you need to get out of the house. That way you get a few minutes and make your mornings less stressful.

3. Carry a reusable water bottle

It is difficult to take the required amount of water a day when you are running around. So the tip is to take a bottle with you, preferably reusable? This way you stay hydrated and do not harm the environment.

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4. Adopt a minimalist lifestyle

A wardrobe cluttered with pieces you'll never use and a shelf of more books than you could ever read will only accumulate dust and energy. Try to get rid of excess and adopt more conscious consumption habits.

5. Make bed before leaving home

Does doing this right after waking up allow you to start your day with a feeling that everything is in its place? which helps your brain stay organized with its appointments until the next rest period.

6. Determine a bedtime

Just as you have a waking time, you need to set a bedtime. Only in this way will you be able to guarantee the hours of sleep you need. You can set an alert on your mobile phone to let you know it's time to go to bed.

7. Meditate for a few minutes every day.

Taking a few moments to disconnect and watch your breath is a great way to lower your anxiety levels and clear your thoughts, which will surely help you make better decisions in your daily life.

8. Write down all your good day

Before going to bed, try to write down all the good times of your day? including little things like trying on a new lipstick, getting a cup of coffee, or receiving an unpretentious compliment from the bakery girl.

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9. Seek psychological help if necessary.

If you are not getting out of a difficult situation and it is compromising your mental health, it is time to go to a psychologist. Doing therapy is no sign of weakness, but a way to increase your self-awareness.

10. Let your thoughts flow in writing.

When you feel anxious, try writing your thoughts freely, without worrying if they make a lot of sense. In the process, you will calm down and may even realize that some concerns are less than they appeared to be.

11. Walk whenever possible

Take every opportunity to walk instead of using the car or public transportation. Even if it is for a few minutes, this practice improves circulation and helps fight stress.

12. Fleeing Social Media Comments

If you already know what kind of message you'll encounter, why expose yourself to content that will only make you angry? Staying away from inconsistent and hateful comments will make your life lighter.

13. Get up half an hour earlier

Instead of getting all sleepy and running out of the house because you're always late, try getting up a few minutes early and take advantage of those moments to effectively wake up and enjoy a nice cup of coffee.

Read also: 20 healthy habits to include in your routine and have a better quality of life

14. Exercise with YouTube Videos

If you don't like going to the gym, how about looking for exercise videos on YouTube to practice at home? Get obstacles out of the way and try to follow the moves? No one will be watching to judge your performance!

15. Consume news in moderation

It is not about creating a bubble and not knowing anything that is going on around you, but about selecting what type of material you will be exposed to. Reading the facts already established, with more clarity about the events, produces less anxiety than following the breaking news.

By all this, what we mean is that taking care of yourself can greatly improve your quality of life, whether related to your physical or mental health.

You have every right to get away from what hurts you and to devote a few moments of your day exclusively to yourself. This is not a sign of selfishness, but that you are taking responsibility for your own well-being.

3 Habits That Will Change Your Life (April 2024)

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