4 Homemade Recipes To Treat Constipation

Is she such a common problem? mainly among women? Some dairy companies invest heavily in a type of product marketing specifically targeted at this. Constipation is a villain of human well-being and especially female welfare and needs to be treated with due care.

The Brazilian Federation of Gastroenterology (FBG), in partnership with Danone Research, developed a study called SIM Brazil (Women's Intestinal Health). Observing 3,500 women, the study made some findings on the subject. First, apparently our emotional state does have a major influence on the functioning of our digestive system as a whole, including our intestines. Disorders such as stress and anxiety, for example, slow the pace of peristaltic movements, which are responsible for bowel emptying.

Female hormones also impair bowel function, according to the study, slowing down the movements of the digestive tract during the menstrual period, which makes going to the toilet so difficult when a woman is menstruating.

The research also states that it is important to condition the body to go to the bathroom, regardless of being away from home or too busy with work. Finally, eating habits and lack of physical activity are also pointed as responsible for problems in the functioning of this organ.

Recipes Against Constipation

1 ? Laxative Juice

Ingredients: half papaya without peel or seeds, four pitted black plums, 200ml of orange juice and 20g of crushed flaxseed.

Directions: beat the papaya, prunes and orange juice in a blender; Finally, add the flaxseed and mix well.

This juice should be consumed in the morning, fasting.

2 ? Vitamin

Ingredients: one papaya without peel or seeds, two orange juice, one tablespoon of flaxseed and one tablespoon of sugar.

Directions: Beat all ingredients in a blender and have a glass of the vitamin every morning.

3? Plum baby food

Ingredients: Five prunes, half a cup of water and three teaspoons of honey.

Directions: Soak the five plums in the water for about three hours. then remove the seeds from the plums and mash them with a fork, placing them back in the water and adding the honey; mix well and consume three tablespoons a day.

4? Recipe Against Baby Constipation

Oatmeal can be mixed with baby's milk so your intestines work better. If the baby is still breastfeeding, the mother may opt for fine flaked oatmeal by mixing it with the bottle, and if the baby is already eating more solid foods, flaked oatmeal is a good option.

What should I include in the diet?

Constantly suffering from constipation may include some items in the daily diet so that the body can function better. Some foods are fundamental in treating the problem, they are:

  • Fruits such as papaya, orange, acerola, black plum, peach, pineapple, kiwi, mango, tangerine, avocado, pear and watermelon, among others.
  • Whole grains such as rice, flaxseed, oats and granola.
  • Legumes like pumpkin and chayote.
  • Vegetables like spinach, kale and broccoli.

If constipation is a recurring problem, see a gastroenterologist as soon as possible. Take care of your health.

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