20 mistakes we made at age 20

As we begin to move out of adolescence and into adulthood, it is common for us to make some mistakes when trying to deal with these changes. Here are some of the common mistakes many young people in their 20s have made:

  1. Not getting enough sleep
  2. Young people often wonder why sleep when there is so much to do. But everyone will have a lifetime of days and nights when they can't sleep often enough.

  3. Being addicted to social media
  4. Keeping up with people's lives on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram is cool, but make sure you enjoy the day out, go out and live it all in person.

  5. Wash your hair a lot
  6. Excessive products on the wires can end up damaging them in the long run.

  7. Wasting Money on Restaurant Meals
  8. Try to have a snack at home, it is a way to save and even eat healthier.

  9. Having bipolar health
  10. During the day, she drinks juice and does yoga. But at night, he eats fast food and drinks alcohol. Your body gets confused.

  11. Try to get too tan
  12. Stop now! Ultra violet rays are very harmful to the skin.

  13. Spend a lot of time in a relationship
  14. If you are serious early on and have been with your partner since your teens, you tend to mourn when you are older. But every rule has its exception.

  15. Run after those who don't want you
  16. Try to meet new people and open yourself to new relationships.

  17. Be sloppy with birth control
  18. Prevent pregnancy, use a condom, don't pretend it can't happen to you. Plus, with condoms you prevent STDs.

  19. Having a pet with someone else
  20. If you and your boyfriend decide to have a pet together, it can be a problem if you break up.

  21. Send messages when drunk
  22. The next day you will look at the phone and regret it.

  23. Make radical diets
  24. Try to balance your diet and look for healthier alternatives to lose weight.

  25. Buy clothes instead of saving for something expensive and timeless
  26. Many pieces are expensive and out of fashion in a short time. Therefore, prefer to invest in what is classic, as it will be more useful.

  27. Spend money on beauty products you won't use
  28. It's natural to think that buying certain makeup products or items will change your life and make you more beautiful. But if you know you won't use it, it's no use.

  29. Spend energy envying someone
  30. Do not waste your time. Breathe, let the person go through life. Focus on you.

  31. Let judgments spoil friendships
  32. Time takes care of making people realize, no need to judge.

  33. Let your job treat you badly
  34. It's important to have a job or an internship, but as long as they treat you with dignity like any employee, without exploitation.

  35. Sentimentally connect with a friend
  36. It's okay that happens casually, but without forcing it. Some dates are born of true friendships, but provoking it is not always healthy.

  37. Choose wrong friendships
  38. Think about what you want when choosing your friends. Good nightlife companions will not always be good friends.

  39. Go slow
  40. Adulthood will not come overnight. Enjoy your youth while you still can.

Via Yahoo Shine

5 Money Mistakes I Made In My Early 20s (April 2024)

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