6 Factors That May Delay Your Menstruation

Many women become apprehensive when there is a delay in menstruation. The first possibility that usually crosses your mind is pregnancy. But the fact is that there are other physical or emotional factors that can make the menstrual cycle unregulated.

Some are simple things that can happen in anyone's daily life. So, before you start thinking about what it might be, here's a list of six reasons that delay menstruation:

1. Stress

It is the most common reason for menstruation to be delayed. Being worried, overly stressed, can change hormones and even lead to weight loss or gain. And it can have a direct impact on the menstrual cycle. Then try to calm down, pursue activities such as yoga or meditation, or do exercises that help to make the mind more relaxed.

2. Contraception

When you stop taking the pill, after a long time taking it, it can take up to six months for the body to regularize. The morning after pills also change the cycle and are recommended only in emergency cases. Other forms of contraception, whether inserted or injected into the body, can also cause delays.

3. Very low weight

Women suffering from anorexia or bulimia usually do not menstruate or have long delays. This is because being too underweight affects the body's functioning, even ovulation, which can be stopped. Seeking treatment or, in milder cases, healthy eating again can help normalize weight and cycle.

Read also: Menstrual Cycle: Clear Your Questions

4. Obesity

Obesity can also cause delays or even absence of bleeding because of changes in the body. In this case, eating a strict diet and exercising often, all with medical advice, can help you lose excess weight and regain the correct menstrual period.

5. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

It is one of the main reasons for irregular menstrual periods. Many women suffer from this hormonal condition, which causes the body to produce more male hormone, androgen, in addition to the possibility of ovarian cysts. This makes ovulation irregular and can definitely stop it.

6. Thyroid problems

The thyroid regulates the metabolism of the body. Therefore cases of hypo or hyperthyroidism can affect hormone levels. But thyroid problems can usually be treated with medication, so your period will probably be back to normal.

These are just some of the factors that may delay your menstruation. The most appropriate guidance is, whenever you notice any difference in your menstrual cycle, seek the advice of a gynecologist so that he can make the correct diagnosis and follow the procedures as appropriate for you.

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