4 Solutions to Relieve Restless Leg Syndrome

After a busy day, nothing better than having a good night's sleep. But what if, as you lie down, your legs begin to tingle? Or have involuntary contractions in the muscles? Spending the night without being able to nail your eyes can be a symptom of Restless Leg Syndrome.

This problem affects about 11% of the population, and is more common in women. According to neurologist Dr. Rodrigo Massaud of Israeli Hospital Albert Einstein, the syndrome is a disease that causes strange sensations in the leg, usually when the patient lies down to sleep. It is a disorder of the nervous system that causes changes in sensitivity and involuntary motor shaking of the legs (and can also be felt in the arms in more severe cases). Some people confuse the name with certain repetitive rhythmic leg movements that appear when distracted or tense, but they have nothing to do with the syndrome.

Often the cause is unknown. In some cases, the syndrome appears to be familially transmitted. In others, the condition may be linked to other medical conditions, such as iron deficiency anemia, where there is very little iron in the blood. Other conditions that increase the risk of RLS include kidney failure, diabetes and pregnancy ?, explains the neurologist.

The symptoms are very bothersome. These include itching, pain, tingling, chills, twinges, and the need to move the legs. The intensity may vary, and as they are more frequent at night, they prevent the person from sleeping or having a peaceful sleep.

The consequence of this is sleepless nights, which make the person spend the day tired, sleepy, unwell and irritated. The cause is still unknown, but some experts believe the syndrome may be related to abnormal brain iron absorption. Worse yet, there is no cure, only medicines to mask the symptoms.

But, before looking for strong remedies with numerous side effects, how about betting on home remedies? You can alleviate the problem with the tips listed below. They will probably help to lessen your symptoms so that you can get back to sleep well!

  1. Wet your legs with warm water straight from the shower before going to bed. Rub well with a dowel, dry and jump on the bed!
  2. Do squat exercise before bed. You can try 30 repetitions on each leg, alternating from one to another. In addition to relieving symptoms, this tip will make your thighs even more beautiful!
  3. Try homeopathic remedies for restless legs. Inexpensive and without side effects, these small pills are non-addictive and can help alleviate your symptoms. But consult your doctor first.
  4. Pass menthol creams or ointments (like Vic VapoRub). Rub a generous amount of product on the legs before bedtime. Relief is immediate and will let her sleep soon. The only disadvantage of this method is that menthol has a strong smell that can be annoying.

If symptoms persist, seek medical attention. He will indicate the appropriate treatment for you. And remember: Caffeine, alcohol and cigarette consumption is absolutely inadvisable as it can accentuate the problem.

Calming Restless Legs HD (April 2024)

  • Prevention and Treatment, Sleep
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