3 Tips to Stop the Concertina Effect

If losing weight is hard, keep weight It's even harder. Eliminating the extra pounds is what goes through the heads of ten out of ten women. But in practice, it seems difficult to get the exact formula to make the body slim.

To pursue this goal, some bet on fad diets, which often promise miraculous effects in a short time. They may actually appear, but they are not long lasting and the result of this is the put on weight, fatten-slimming, fatten-slimming of the dreaded concertina effect.

To break this cycle, you need to put in place some tips that will help you lose weight and not gain more weight. Find out now how to end the concertina effect.

1 ? Do not skip breakfast

Having a hearty breakfast should be part of everyone's routine. However, lack of time and laziness lead many people to leave the house on an empty stomach.

The first meal of the day does not take the name of breakfast by chance. Counting since the last meal, the time we spend sleeping is a long period of fasting. Upon waking up, the body begins to expend energy and other hormones arouse the sensation of hunger.

The ideal is to eat within an hour of getting out of bed, it is necessary to provide more energy to have energy and so the body can perform activities throughout the day. Therefore, the title of the most important meal breakfast of the day is more than deserved.

If you wake up without appetite, it may be because your body clock has not yet woken up or you have eaten too much before bed. Even so, leaving home without eating is not the best alternative. Try a glass of milk, a slice of white cheese or eat a fruit, it could be an apple or a banana with oatmeal.

2 ? Capriche on the plate

Dieters need not (and should not) have only salad. To follow a balanced feed, you need to consume protein, carbohydrate and fat in the same meal.

That's right, no radically slashing carbs and fats. With the presence of proteins, carbohydrates are digested and absorbed more slowly. The result is that your glucose level is balanced, your body has energy, and you are hungry again.

An ideal dish suggestion is the famous combination of rice, beans, steak and salad. But beware: do not overdo the rice (a shallow spoon is enough) and consume always lean red meat.

3? Drink tea during meals

Soft drinks have sugar and caffeine in the formula, ingredients that induce the body to produce adrenaline and raise the blood glucose level. With fruit juices, wine and beer, it's no different. These drinks behave like simple carbohydrates in the body and, although in smaller amounts, also increase glucose in the body.

Therefore, the ideal is to bet on water and tea to accompany meals. Other tip to end the concertina effect is to drink a small cup of decaf after the meal.

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  • Food, Diets, Weight Loss
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