6 things that influence dreams

When we are sleeping, our body works in every way so that we do not wake up. Therefore, external stimuli such as smells, sounds and sensations often become narratives to our dreams. According to dream analyst and International Dream Study Association member Lauri Loewenberg, when the mind dreams, it incorporates all external interference into the dream plot.

Natural dreams, that is, those that are not at the mercy of what is happening around us, help us to process the thoughts and feelings about our day. Too much outside interference can prevent our mind from processing and resolving such feelings, according to Loewenberg. Know some factors that can interfere with our dreams:

  1. Sounds
    If you have incorporated the sound of your alarm clock in your dream? maybe it became a fire alarm or a whistle? Do you know that the sounds of real life can meet? in stories of your dreams. Loewenberg points out that the soundtrack can influence the content of your dreams. However, she recommends that you do not put music to sleep. Absolute silence will really rest your mind and your thoughts will be better processed.
  2. Smells
    In a 2008 study, German researchers introduced either a positive smell (of roses) or a negative smell (of rotten eggs) as women entered the REM sleep phase. When the women were awakened, they were asked what they had dreamed of. Those who smelled roses while they slept had positive dreams. Already those who slept in contact with rotten eggs, had nightmares and dreams with bad content. According to the doctor, "The part of the brain's limbic system that controls the ability to receive smells is the same thing that receives the emotions."
  3. Sleeping position
    A recent study in Hong Kong found that sleeping on your stomach increases the chances of having a sexual dream? or stalking.
  4. Your mental state
    The state of your mind has a huge impact on your dreams. Depression, for example, can influence the color palettes of your dreams. If you have a dream in black and white, or in which the colors are soft or grayscale, could it be a sign of depression ?, according to Loewenberg.
  5. Deprivation of food / addictions
    Ever wonder why you are being? Haunted? Why pizza and ice cream in your dreams when you are trying to lose weight? • Whenever you stop consuming something, like drink or cigarette, or even candy? will you dream about them? Loewenberg points out. That is, if you are dieting or cutting sugar, your dreams are likely to show you delicious sweets. People who quit smoking usually have dreams of smoking until at least two years after the total cessation of addiction.
  6. Drug and Vitamin Use
    There are a number of ways in which pharmaceuticals can influence your dreams. Vitamin B6, for example, can help people remember their dreams more vividly. Just as medicines can have other impacts on your dreams.

Strange Facts About Dreams (April 2024)

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