4 Secrets to Cleaning the Carpet at Home

There are many methods for carpet cleaning. However care must be taken when sanitizing this item, because depending on its material, it can be permanently damaged.

"People often scrub the carpets vigorously and use hard-bristled brooms and brushes, so the threads of the carpets come undone," explains Walid Abdouni, owner of Kyowa Tapestry, Santos, Sao Paulo.

Hiring a professional cleaning service is always a guarantee that nothing wrong will happen to your carpet, but it is possible to save money and have some personal satisfaction by cleaning using methods and products that some experts keep as well-kept secrets.

Secret carpet cleaning procedures usually involve some inexpensive household items that are already used to clean the house, and without expensive chemicals. Here are four secrets:

1 ? Forget about commercial cleaners

No need to rush to a store and buy expensive carpet cleaning products. Most people have some simple elements that can clean the carpet extremely efficiently. Baking soda, vinegar and mild liquid soap are examples of carpet cleaners and disinfectants. Does avoiding using chemicals to clean the carpet help you so much? that will save; your family ? that you will not smell strong odors; and the environment? because it is more sustainable.

2 ? Make your stain remover

Over time, carpets often develop stains. Adults, children and pets contribute to the dirty carpet. Fortunately, stains can be removed with a homemade solution that is made by mixing one liter of cold water with 1/4 cup of liquid detergent. A mixer helps to mix the contents as it helps to create foam.

To clean with the homemade solution, use a soft brush and gently rub the foam into the circularly stained carpet fibers. After the stain has been removed, the area should be cleaned with a damp cloth and dried with a hair dryer.

3? Vinegar is your friend

Vinegar is a natural and neutralizing disinfectant. It can be used to clean a range of surfaces including carpet. Vinegar can kill germs that develop between carpet fibers as well as neutralize the acidity of pet urine while eliminating unpleasant odors.

Keep a clean spray bottle full of undiluted vinegar and use whenever your pet makes? Number one? on your carpet. In these cases, try to absorb as much urine as possible from the fibers by pressing the carpet with several paper towels, and when there is no more urine left to absorb, spray vinegar and let it dry.

4? Homemade Dry Cleaning

To do the home dry cleaning, mix equal parts cornstarch and baking soda. Add some spices or fragrant dry leaves such as cinnamon, cloves and lavender. Mix the contents thoroughly and sprinkle the dust all over the carpet.

Cornstarch and baking soda will help pull the fiber out of the fibers, while spices and leaves will fill the carpet with a pleasant aroma. After 30 minutes, remove the dust with vacuum cleaner.


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