5 Most Common Mistakes of Beginning an Exercise Routine

Generally, when we think about doing physical exercises, the will ends up being done so fast that there is no time to plan and prepare for this new routine. Consequently, you end up with some slips that may result in giving up physical activity.

Find out below what these most common mistakes are and avoid them if you start exercising soon. Some tips are also for those who have been exercising for some time and want to make sure that they are not making these mistakes.

1 ? Having almost impossible goals or not having goals

One of the common mistakes of beginning exercise is to determine goals that are almost impossible to achieve, for example: reduce the tummy by 1 month.

Another mistake is to have no goal and start exercising just because you think you're good. Think about what you need: better flexibility, more muscle tone or eliminate fat? If you are not sure what you need, look for a physical education professional to guide you.

2 ? Want immediate results

In addition, many people who start exercising want to see results immediately after starting the practice. However, it is estimated that those who do gym, for example, can begin to realize some result only after about 3 months of continuous exercise. So no anxiety. Be patient and the results will appear.

3? Overdose on exercises

Doing very heavy workouts or over-repeating sets early on can lead to so much muscle pain that you will end up giving up on exercise. So start with a lighter set, endure the pain of the first few weeks, and increase the intensity and weight of the exercises gradually. This way you will not feel unmotivated to engage in physical activity.

4? Do the exercises without professional monitoring

Thinking that you can exercise on your own can be a great danger to your health. Exercise when done without monitoring can end up being performed incorrectly and have serious consequences for your health. Therefore, consult a physical educator before defining what type of workout you will be doing and follow the professional's guidelines on how to do each exercise.

5? Do not practice food reeducation

If you are used to eating fast food and think that only exercise will make you slim down, you may be mistaken. Food reeducation plays a very important role in the results that physical activity can provide. Eating well and nutritionally and avoiding too much fatty foods can boost the results you crave. Consult a dietitian before starting the exercises and adapt your diet to your needs in relation to your body.

By following these tips you can get all the best it can offer from exercise without the risks that some attitudes can cause. Take care of your diet and your body and your health will be even better.

15 Common Workout Mistakes Every Beginner Makes (March 2024)

  • Weight Loss, Fitness
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