5 tips that help prevent premature birth

According to the World Health Organization, about 10% of babies are born to premature birth around the planet. Statistics scares many pregnant women and raises many questions about the causes of the problem and ways of prevention.


A birth is considered premature by specialists when it occurs up to three weeks before the expected date. The causes of this problem are most diverse. Some factors are directly related to the mother and her health condition, while others are characteristic of the gestational period.

Age of the pregnant woman, history of premature birth and illnesses that she has may negatively influence the pregnancy developmentas well as eclampsia, multiple gestation, fetal malformations, abnormalities in the womb and lack of prenatal control. Habits such as tobacco, alcohol and drugs, as well as emotional stress and any accidents the mother may suffer are also common causes of premature births.

Can I prevent a premature birth?

Prenatal care is currently a great tool to control the risk factors involved in a pregnancy. This follow-up, when performed by a good professional and on a regular basis, can assist not only in detecting risk factors, but also in preventing more serious problems close to delivery time. However, the pregnant woman may take some personal care to prevent herself.

Here is a list of five tips for future moms concerned with the proper development of pregnancy:

1 ? Hydration

Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is important even for non-pregnant women. For this group, however, it becomes indispensable. Lack of water can cause contractions, factor that can advance the delivery. One tip is to pay attention to the color of the urine: if it is pale yellow, you are drinking enough water. But attention: pregnant women need more to go to the bathroom? and water consumption increases that need. Be careful not to get your bladder too full as this can also cause contractions.

2 ? Measures

The more advanced a pregnancy, the smaller the cervical measurement. During each gestational period it should have a specific width, according to the experts:

  • Between 16 and 20 weeks: 4 to 4.5cm
  • Between 24 and 28 weeks: 3.5 to 4cm
  • Between 32 and 36 weeks: 3 to 3.5cm

If you notice that your cervical opening is less than four centimeters and you notice any symptoms of premature birth, consult your doctor immediately.

3? Time between pregnancies

If, before it is nine months after the last delivery, you become pregnant again, the risk of premature birth increases. If this happens, consult your doctor for further advice.

4? Cheers

Staying healthy is critical for anyone prevent premature birth. Try to eat properly, practice light physical activity (unless your doctor asks you to stop) and cut down on habits such as smoking and alcohol. These measures prevent problems such as eclampsia and gestational diabetes, which can lead to the advance of childbirth.

5? Attention to symptoms

According to experts, an amount greater than five contractions over a period of one hour may be evidence of premature birth. Other symptoms are bright red-colored vaginal bleeding, swelling of hands and face, discomfort to urinate, frequent vomiting, lower back pain, and pelvic pressure.

Taking such care does not exclude the importance of regular medical follow-up. Symptoms or atypical reactions during pregnancy should be reported immediately to the professional you trust.

Preventing Preterm Births | Cincinnati Children's (April 2024)

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