5 Worst Fast Snacks For Losing Weight

Fast food, ready meals, snacks, pizzas, microwave popcorn, ice cream, fried snacks, chips, stuffed cookie: do you know what these products have in common? They all contain excess trans fat and an excessive amount of sodium.

According to nutritionist Francielle Franco, consumption "eventually results in triglycerides, high cholesterol, cardiovascular problems, risk of hypertension, stroke, cataracts, kidney stones and stomach cancer." In addition, the main problems of overconsumption of these products are obesity and rapid weight gain.

Nutritionist Tatiana Guerra has prepared a list of quick snacks that should be avoided for those who want to lose weight. Also check out some options for replacing diet villains with lighter, healthier products:

1. Corn chips

According to nutritionist Tatiana, snacks are rich in salt, fat and preservatives and excessive consumption can cause damage to health.

Replacement Option: A good option is to replace the snack foods with a mix of nuts and oilseeds, a source of vitamins, antioxidants and fiber. But do not overdo it because, despite the benefits, they are very caloric. Therefore, 30 grams is sufficient. Tatiana states that they "help in preventing heart disease, cancer and premature aging."

2. Pastry Ice Cream

They should be avoided because they are high in sugar and trans fat, as well as dyes and preservatives.

Replacement Option: Fresh fruit is the best option. Sporadically the consumption of fruit popsicles is released. "If the desire to eat candy is too great, 15g of dark chocolate over 55% cocoa can also bring benefits," says Tatiana.

3. Stuffed cookie

They should be avoided as they are foods full of sugar and high in calories. In addition, they contain a lot of saturated fat, which favors an increase in LDL (the "bad cholesterol") and a decrease in HDL, considered good cholesterol.

Replacement Option: ? Currently the market offers a wide variety of uncooked cookies and even whole or organic options enriched with fiber, vitamins and minerals? guides Tatiana.

4. Fried Foods

Salted foods, potatoes, cassava and fried polenta should be abolished. "During frying, chemical changes occur in the oil used, resulting in trans fat and a substance called acrolein that is highly carcinogenic," says Tatiana.

Replacement Option: Choose roast savory without catupiry, a light tuna snack with grated carrots, or a natural sandwich. A light version of potato chips can also be eaten, in which case the calorie reduction is 50%. Tatiana gives the recipe:? Cut the potatoes into sticks, sprinkle olive oil and bake until tender and crispy.?

5. Soft drinks

Soft drinks should be avoided. According to Tatiana, glue-based formulas contain a substance called phosphoric acid that steals calcium from bones: Even the diet version, although not containing sugar, is also rich in sodium, dyes, acidulants and preservatives that can pose serious health risks. ? says the nutritionist.

Replacement Option: Natural fruit juice is the best choice when replacing sodas. In the impossibility, one should opt for frozen fruit pulp, concentrated juice without added sugar or whole grape juice. In the latter case canister juices can be consumed, but in moderation. Tatiana advises that the powder versions should not be consumed under any circumstances as they are rich in sugar, colorings and preservatives.

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