How to save at the pharmacy

Increasingly, people are looking for alternatives to reducing spending at the end of the month; However, when it comes to health, you can't play.

Many people use medicines for continuous use, that is, those that are usually indicated for the treatment of chronic and / or degenerative diseases and there are also unforeseen events, such as colds and flu, and the use of medicines may be necessary.

Thus, an alternative to saving on pharmacy spending is the search for generic drugs, where, with exceptions, they are cheaper drugs compared to their reference drugs. Thus, your pharmacist can guide you in the correct exchange of these medicines.

Some pharmacies have a card called a "loyalty card", where they make this card available to the patient as an alternative to keep it as a customer, and when presenting it on future purchases, receive different discounts, and also a way to save, especially for people who use drugs continuously.

For continuous use medicines, some laboratories offer a discount to the patient. For this, the patient himself should consult with his doctor and the laboratory that produces his medicine, if this is part of the discount program.

Some examples are: the? Vale Mais Saúde? from Novartis, the? Do It Well? from AstraZeneca, the? Extra Health? Bristol-Myers Squibb laboratory, which is aimed at diabetic patients, among others.

In addition, researching the price in various pharmacies is also a good option to save, noting promotions and discounts, and can save more than 30%.

There is also a government program called the "Popular Pharmacy Program" which, in addition to serving users of public health services, also serves people who use private health services and have difficulty purchasing the medicines they need.

To find out if your drug is sold at the Popular Pharmacy, visit the Health Portal website, and see the list of drugs covered by the program.

If so, seek assistance from your doctor and pharmacist as you will continue to look after your health and keep your budget balanced at the end of the month.

How to save money at the pharmacy (May 2024)

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