6 Non-Fish Omega-3 Rich Foods

Omega-3 is a polyunsaturated fat that is very beneficial for the health of the brain and cardiovascular system, protecting our body from serious problems such as stroke and heart attack.

Although we think of omega-3 as one, it is actually made up of three different fatty acids: alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

While EPA and DHA are found mainly in saltwater fish such as salmon, sardines and herring, ALA is present in seeds and oilseeds. A small part of the ALA we consume is transformed into the other two fatty acids to complement the omega-3 family.

Check out 6 of these non-animal foods that are rich in omega-3 and include them today in your fish menu:

1. Algae Oil

Do you know why fish contain so much omega-3? Because they feed on algae, which are rich in this good fat. When these animals feed, does omega-3 deposit in their tissues? and that's how it comes to you.

Read also: Omega-3: fat that protects the heart and is allied with good health

Algae oil, which is commonly sold in health food and supplement stores, is rich mainly in DHA, one of the fatty acids that make up omega-3.

2. Flax Seeds

Flaxseed is an excellent source of ALA, which is part of the composition of omega-3. In addition, this seed is rich in protein and fiber, helping to satisfy hunger.

An important tip: Our body cannot digest whole flax seeds. Thus, to get the benefits of omega-3, you need to mash them before adding them to breads, cakes, yogurts and smoothies.

3. Hemp Seeds

Like flaxseed, hemp seeds are rich in fiber, protein and ALA. In addition, they contain all 9 essential amino acids, that is, those that our body cannot produce and must be obtained by diet.

Despite its benefits, Brazilian law is controversial about the use and importation of hemp seeds. This is because this plant is a subspecies of the Cannabis Sativa, ie marijuana, but which contains only traces of THC (substance responsible for the numbing effect).

Read also: Vitamin B6: What are your health benefits and where to find it

The denomination? Hemp? It is also used for other products obtained from this plant, such as fiber, oil, resin, rope, fabric and paper.

4. Chia Seeds

As you can imagine, chia is also rich in ALA: 100 grams of the seed contains 18 grams of this fatty acid, 2.25 times more than flaxseed. Compared to salmon, chia is up to 12 times more omega-3 in the same portion (but salmon fatty acids are different and they offer far fewer calories).

It is very versatile and can be added to yogurts, smoothies, salads and breads, and gives consistency to puddings and is an excellent egg substitute to combine in various preparations.

5. Nuts

Walnuts, like chia, are very rich in ALA. Does a 100 gram serving of these oilseeds offer 9 grams of this fatty acid? but it also offers 700 calories, so consumption should be moderate. For their flavor and texture, walnuts are a good addition to pancakes, cakes, muffins and salads.

6. Legumes

Legumes such as beans, peas, chickpeas, and lentils also contain omega-3, though in much lower quantities than seeds.

Read also: Chia: the nutrient-filled seed that has satiety and anti-inflammatory action

Soy is the legume that stands out in the content of this fatty acid, but its consumption is controversial due to the transgenic origin of most grains.

Can you replace the fish with these foods?

Although there are non-animal options when it comes to omega-3s, it is important to note that they are usually rich only in ALA, not DHA and EPA.

Our body can actually turn some of ALA into the other fatty acids that make up omega-3, but that part is very small: only about 2% of our intake. Thus, it is important to have a nutritional guidance to make the replacement of fish properly and if necessary make use of supplements.

Healthy Eating : How to Get Omega-3 Without Fish Oil (May 2024)

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