7 Things Happy Couples Do Before Bed

We live in a fast-paced world and we are always running because of the work, studies, children and bills we have to pay.

In the midst of all this, do we sometimes end up leaving our relationship in the background? After all, we are only human!

However, over time, a relationship that is not properly nurtured can become a source of frustration for both of them.

If you don't have much time available during the day, how about taking the few minutes before bed to practice some habits that happy couples often adopt?

Of course, these habits are not rules and do not apply to all couples, as each relationship works differently, but adopting some of them can help reinforce the feelings that exist between you.

Also read: 8 Things Happy Couples Talk About

1. They remember how much they love each other

Even though the day has been tiring and stressful and you know that the next day will not be less strained, it is important to remind the partner that you love him and vice versa.

You don't have to make big declarations of love: um? I love you? Classic, but full of feeling, will already provide a better night for both of you.

2. Whenever Possible, They Go to Bed Together

In that case, when we talk about going to bed together, we're really talking about bedtime. Unfortunately, due to the hectic routine, many couples lie down at different times, missing important moments of connection with each other.

Happy couples, on the other hand, whenever possible, seek to share the moment of retreat, taking the opportunity to get closer by brushing their teeth and getting under the covers at the same time.

3. They are able to set the phone aside

We know that many people rely on their cell phone to work or even to communicate with their partners during the day. But when they get home, unfortunately, many couples end up paying more attention to apps and social networks than each other.

Also read: 10 Things You Should Never Do? For Love?

If you feel that technology is pushing you away, try establishing a couple rule like “aren't we going to use the phone after 11 pm”? or "let's not take the phone to bed."

4. They take a moment to show gratitude

Just like saying? I love you? It does a damn good for the couple's happiness, taking a few minutes before bedtime to show gratitude also helps you feel closer and more empowered to cope with everyday life.

If so, the tip is to find something specific that you have to thank your partner every night, and he should do the same for you. You can also vary by talking about something good that happened during the day, for which you were equally grateful.

5. They do not start difficult discussions at bedtime

Do you know that story of not going to sleep without solving all the problems? So it is not entirely true. If one of you has a business to work on and already thinks the conversation can be a little tense and will take long hours, it is best to leave the discussion for another day.

The reason for this is that both of you will be tired and unwilling, so the conversation could end in an ugly fight that didn't have to happen that way. This is not about sweeping problems down the carpet, but waiting until the right time to talk about them.

Read also: 10 tips for having a positive attitude in relationships

6. They talk about their routines and their feelings.

People who are in a happy relationship often say they can count on their partner for everything, including seeing them as a great source of friendship and support. So happy couples often talk about how the day went, the problems at work, the difficulties with the children, etc.

It is not a matter of venting all your frustration on your partner, but to feel that he represents a safe haven, a person with whom you can share your doubts and insecurities. At the same time, the partner is receptive to hearing what you have to say without feeling pressured to give a solution to the problem.

7. They keep the kids out of the room

Calm down, we are not saying that you cannot make a shared bed or that you should leave your two-day-old baby alone in the next room. What we mean is that happy couples usually see their bedroom as a kind of sanctuary for both of them, a place where they can connect and nurture intimacy.

Of course, children will be welcome if they are a little sick or have a nightmare.The important thing is that the couple seeks to separate a space just for the two, even if this space is more emotional than physical.

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