9 Signs Your Body May Give You Are Exaggerating in Exercise

You already know what is the main advice to avoid obesity and reduce the risk of a multitude of diseases: exercise. And really, no one can deny that staying active has many benefits for your body and mind.

However, there is a maxim that says "everything in excess is bad", and this is no different from exercise. This usually happens to people who already follow a busy training routine, but are obsessed with the results for some reason and overdose. In this case, it is inevitable that your body will start to show some signs of being overloaded, such as the following nine:

1. It takes you a long time to recover

Staying out of breath for several minutes, feeling that your arms and legs are no longer responding, and being completely exhausted are clear signs that you have struggled beyond your limits and that it may be best to slightly reduce your exercise load.

Other signs of overtraining are continuing thirsty even after taking two liters of water and feeling a lot of pain after finishing your physical activity.

2. Do you feel weaker

When we over exercise, one of our body's responses is to trigger our defense system, making your muscle fibers take longer to recover and make you feel weaker. Similarly, your body will take longer to recover from a simple cold.

Also read: 10 activities to burn 100 calories without going to the gym

3. Your heart rate increases in the morning

Another effect of over exercising is a change in heart rate. A good clue to whether this is happening to you is to measure your heartbeat in the morning, before you get out of bed, and at rest during the day.

If the frequency is higher upon waking, this may be a sign that you are exercising too much and your body is failing to recover as it should.

4. It's harder to sleep

While a regular exercise routine improves sleep quality, an overload causes the opposite effect. This is because overtraining stimulates the production of stress hormones, which lead to insomnia even if you are tired.

5. Your body hurts for several days

A long, repetitive, restless exercise routine between workouts can make you feel very severe pain anywhere in your body, even if you don't go to the gym. Additionally, you may experience cramps, muscle spasms and tingling.

6. You are always tired, including mentally

While muscle fatigue is an obvious consequence of over exercising, mental fatigue sometimes goes unnoticed. However, overworking can decrease your concentration, memory, and performance at work or school, and can make you feel low on energy to have fun with your friends or get along with your family.

Read also: 12 tips for staying motivated at the gym

7. You are no longer evolving

An overloaded organism understands that it is under threat and slows down its metabolism in order to maintain its emergency reserves. For example, if your goal is to lose weight and you are no longer seeing results even though you have increased your workout, you may have crossed the limits of your body.

Also, if your body is exhausted, your performance will slow down and you won't get the dreamed muscle gain at the same pace as before.

8. Mood Swallows You

You already know that physical activity stimulates the release of endorphins, substances that promote our well-being. However, as with sleep, over exercising has the opposite effect on our mood, making us constantly irritated or anxious.

If this is your case, you might want to trade a trip to the gym for a more relaxing activity, such as having a massage or simply staying at home watching a movie.

9. Do you feel sad and frustrated when you think about training

You are sore, tired, irritated and, to make matters worse, you are not seeing results. No wonder you will feel frustrated about your workouts, as apparently they are not offering anything positive. However, the solution is not to increase the exercise load, but to find the most suitable dose for your body.

Also read: 4 Reasons That Are Not Letting You Lose Weight

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, the best way out is to seek the assistance of a physical education professional to help you find the right pace. Balancing workouts, rest, and other activities is critical to keeping your body and mind healthy.

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