Diagonal Francesinha

After showing readers a variety of trends with vibrant, dark-colored nail types, glittery and even newspaper designs, we decided to bet on the lighter, more discreet diagonal French model.

The Spanish nail is a version of the classic French nail, but with the diagonal stroke. Like the fashion of English nails, this model can also vary with flashy colors combined in color blocking style. But to show you the finish, the choice of the week was to bet on the traditional style with soft colors.

To make the Spanish nails were used two nail polishes that are indispensable in any woman's manicure kit because they make a perfect combination and never go out of style: the clear lace (Risqué) as a base and Bianco Puríssimo (Risqué) to make the trace.

The technique used to make Spanish nails was freehand, using only the nail polish brush to mark the diagonal stroke on the fingernails. But for those who prefer, you can use the tape and make the line more straight.

First the diagonal line was made with white enamel (Bianco Puríssimo) and after waiting a few minutes for the enamel to dry, two layers of transparent white enamel (Lace) were applied.

The Spanish nail is a great option for those who are a fan of the French nail and want to vary a little. Brides can also bet on this type of nail, the result is perfect. The charm of the diagonal glaze with clear enamel is ideal to complete your Christmas and New Year look, match with party and ballad looks, especially in productions with flashy prints or many details.

UNHAS ESPANHOLAS (francesinha) Fácil !!! (March 2024)

  • Hands and Feet, Nails
  • 1,230