Bipolar Disorder: Symptoms and Treatment

Bipolar disorder is a disease characterized by extreme mood swings interspersed with periods of normality. That is, normal oscillations occur as states of joy and sadness or even more sudden changes such as euphoria and depression.

Often bipolar disorder is confused with momentary mood swings that can be caused by everyday difficulties, but which tend to disappear once the difficulties are resolved.

Bipolar Disorder Symptoms

The symptoms of bipolar disorder manifest themselves through the sudden change from euphoric to depressive behavior or vice versa.

As one's judgment and judgment are impaired, one does not realize these mood swings. Know the main symptoms presented in the euphoric phase and in the depression phase of the disease.

Euphoric Symptoms

  • Lasting and exaggerated joy;
  • Feeling of having special powers, greatness and power;
  • Exaggerated optimism and self-confidence;
  • Irritability and impatience;
  • Accelerated thoughts and chatter;
  • Easy distraction;
  • Insomnia;
  • Agitation, physical and mental restlessness;
  • Increased sexual desire;
  • In more severe cases: delusions and hallucinations, alcohol and drug abuse, ideas of suicide, exaggerated disinhibition and inappropriate behavior.

Depression Symptoms

  • Irritability, despair;
  • Lack of feelings of pleasure and joy in life;
  • Sadness, melancholy mood, anguish or a feeling of emptiness;
  • Discouragement, laziness, lack of physical and mental energy, tiredness;
  • Negative thoughts, pessimism, ideas of guilt, failure;
  • Feelings of insecurity, fear, low self esteem;
  • Loss or increase of appetite or weight;
  • Insomnia or oversleeping without feeling rested;
  • Severe depressions, hallucinations or delusions;
  • Lack of interest, initiative;
  • In more severe cases: pain or physical symptoms that are not explained by other diseases, suicidal ideas.

Bipolar Disorder Treatment

The most appropriate treatment for bipolar disorder is medication and psychotherapy. A diagnosis made by a therapist controls sudden changes in behavior and relieves symptoms.

Family presence is very important to have a good knowledge of the disease and treatment. Thus, the patient will feel safer and the feeling of support and understanding will be important in the family relationship, increasing the possibility of a quality and productive life.

It is important to remember that many people do not realize that they have bipolar disorder, so if you get some of the symptoms often, see your doctor to be able to diagnose and solve the problem through treatments.

Bipolar disorder (depression & mania) - causes, symptoms, treatment & pathology (April 2024)

  • Prevention and Treatment
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