Can having skinny friends help me lose weight?

Throughout our development process, since we were babies, our parents' examples have served as a model for us to acquire certain behaviors. Do we see how critical it is that we have comparison data? dad ? mom ? so that we can choose which one we have the most affinity, or even to assimilate values, concepts to follow in our life.

After all, when we are young, this ends up changing a little, we no longer follow what we have been referring to since then, to identify with the behavior of the class we are in, whether in high school or some other group.

This process is totally normal, after all we begin to compare past values ​​and habits in our family, and we begin to confront with those of friends. This happens and is very healthy, after all it is time for each individual to begin to form a larger view of the world around them, outside the safe bubble that is the family circle.

In this new context in which adolescence is undergoing transformations, other changes are also at stake, as it begins to change the body contour and also the sexual aspects of each person. A phase of discovery and experimentation of how the body reacts, the shapes and contours it will acquire all come in line with the eating process and family genetics.

Some bodies will be thinner, others fuller, some with more hips, others with more protruding abdomen, and so the differences that somehow also determine many important aspects of these young people's personality.

With this phase in full swing, many girls will be envied for their long bodies and begins a desperation to want to have the same slim body as their friends.

To what extent does having friends fit as a stimulus to being able to follow a diet?

I believe that for some women it may serve as an incentive to lose weight, but a good portion of these people can serve as a trigger for a lowering of self-esteem, as for many who already have an established eating behavior within the family routine, not always They can change this context, often resorting to mind-boggling diets to try to lose or maintain a weight inappropriately.

At other times there is an acceptance of these differences where these women indulge in comfort, simply accepting that they are different, not achieving the motivation necessary to achieve the goal of staying thin.

There are many reasons behind body fat, in addition to environmental factors, we have the idleness of this moment, the genetic factors and also the emotions, which at this moment are in total confusion inside each person's head.

New research from the University of Birmingham (UK) suggests that we are all unconsciously influenced by each other's eating patterns, so being in a leaner group context may be a stimulus to eating healthier, This is because it somehow influences the visualization of foods that are lighter, leading to a change in eating behavior.

Lose Some Weight (April 2024)

  • Wellness, Weight Loss
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