5 Ways To Encourage Your Little Child's Independence

Most parents are aware of the importance of encouraging their children's independence early on, but often do not know the right time to start or how to do so. The first step is to know that independence happens gradually and the best time to stimulate the little ones is in the simplest activities of daily life. A baby may be able to hold the bottle alone, for example.

Habits of independence influence the development of children in various areas, such as motor coordination, logical reasoning, organization and responsibility, explains the pedagogue Tatiana Custódio.

Yes, your child is as part of you. Maybe that's why it's so hard to let it come off. But if you recognize the importance of fostering child independence early on, there are at least five simple ways to put this incentive into practice.

1 ? Teach your child how to organize objects

From one and a half years old, your child already understands simple orders and can begin to take on small tasks such as storing his own shoes in the right place and putting dirty clothes in the basket. You can encourage by helping and giving guidance, but let him do it himself.

From two to three years old, the child can learn to organize their own toys. This everyday activity develops mathematical logical thinking (sorting out pieces according to some kind of criteria - such as color, shape, or type of toy), requires planning, attention, and responsibility, Tatiana adds.

2 ? Get ready by yourself

Dressing and putting on alone makes the child develop motor coordination, laterality, the organization of logical thinking. Although simple, these acts require the child to process and organize a range of mental information before taking action.

You can help with these activities by teaching your child little tricks, for example:

  • the seam of the garment is inside and the label behind;
  • the central seam of the pants is under the navel;
  • the t-shirt print is usually forward;

Whenever possible, prefer clothes with elastic or velcro, as children often have difficulty dealing with zippers, buttons and shoelaces.

3? Bath time and brushing teeth

This is an activity he needs to learn calmly and patiently. Today, at bath time, pass the wipe and soap to your child and guide him, letting him wash himself. The same goes for brushing your teeth.

4? Teach your child how to make choices.

If you want your child to have self-confidence, should you show that you believe in them and their ability to make good decisions? respecting the limitations of each age. An effective way to encourage children's independence is to let them express their views, their ideas.

Keep up the dialogue with your child and stop to listen. Encourage your child to talk; ask his opinion and wait for the answer. It is important to elaborate the question well so that the answer is well thought out (for example, instead of asking “how was school today”, ask “what was the coolest thing about school today”).

5? Encourage small problems

Allow your children to overcome small difficulties on their own, without interference (while protecting you in dangerous situations, of course). By encouraging you to think alone about solutions to simple problems, you create favorable conditions for the development of the child's autonomy.

It is important to remember that working on children's autonomy is an exercise in trying that requires patience. Your child will probably not be able to master a task the first time and this is part of the process. All learning involves several phases: initiative, attempts, coping with the frustration of error, persevering to try again, knowing how to seek help, and trying again until successful. That's the way it is in life, isn't it?

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  • Children and adolescents
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