Colorful nail polish

One of the trends for summer season is to abuse the colorful nail polishes not only in the hands, but also in the feet.

In addition to the famous traditional white nail polish, women can innovate with colorful nail polish, varying whenever they want. It is also a good opportunity to use and abuse colors that are on the rise.

The nail polish colors that are trending for this season are vibrant or softer tones.

Turquoise, blue, lilac, green, orange, red, yellow, gray and black look great on the feet and are the face of summer. Just choose the color that best suits your style.

To further highlight the colorful toenails, bet on the most open shoes like peep toe, high heels, flats and flip flops.

It is not necessary to combine the nail polish color with your hands, but you need to know how to balance the colors to not make ugly. If you just want to highlight your feet or have questions about how to match the shades, invest in more neutral nail polish or just a base on your hands.

Colorful Nail Polish On Long Nails For Summer ???? (May 2024)

  • Nail Polish, Hands and Feet, Nails
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