Control anxiety and work better

Anxiety is the evil of the century. The so-called generation Y and its successor, generation Z, are in touch with the most advanced technologies and are the result of a society that has become accustomed to seeing information running at extremely fast speeds. Hence the difficulty that the members of these generations feel in maintaining the emotional balance amid daily activities.

The internet and the ever-widening professional demands have created a flood of human beings who can handle complex systems and different languages ​​with unmatched skill, but who feel insecure in dealing with their own feelings and emotional reactions. These factors lead to increased and compulsive dependence on psychotropic drugs, neurological inhibitors, and all sorts of drugs that can bring some relief to these conditions. emotional change.

But if the problem is exactly the current working method, which requires many hours of dedication and personal effort, it is possible control anxiety in the workplace?

The answer is yes. Developing some habits, the effects of anxiety in your working life can be minimized or even canceled.

Be safe

Insecurity is a common cause of anxiety. If you do not feel safe in your role, try to study and prepare for it better. Ask, ask for help, don't be shy about not knowing everything and especially understand that mistakes and failures are important for professional growth. If you consider yourself fit for the activities you do, strive to remember this when anxiety wants to appear.

Know how to handle criticism

In the workplace, it is normal to hear criticism. The main culprits for this kind of comment are the bosses, who end up with a reputation for being boring and uncompromising. This stereotype is not always true. Learn to listen to what your colleagues have to say about your work, especially your boss. Evaluate what you have heard with ease and honesty; In the end, apply to your work only what you consider valid, but do not dwell on what has been said.

Say no

Taking on too many tasks just to please others, knowing that you won't be able to do them, is an efficient way to generate unnecessary anxiety. During leisure time, it costs nothing to lend a helping hand to your co-workers or to take on some extra activities.

However, use common sense: If you already have tasks scheduled and think you might be overwhelmed, saying is not the most honest and correct attitude to take.

Don't demand too much of yourself

Some companies have a habit of putting pressure on their employees, requiring them to perform numerous tasks in a short time. If this is the case with your work, don't be too perfectionist. Do the activities you need to do as well as you can, but don't want them to be perfect. Here is the motto of the old saying: haste is indeed the enemy of perfection.

How Charlamagne Copes With Stress and Anxiety (April 2024)

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