Crochet for Beginners: Essential Tips for Learning All About the Technique

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From kitchen rugs and bathroom sets to purses and bikinis, crochet is present in many people's homes and even in fashion. There are several pieces made from this craft production technique that for years has been present in the daily life of Brazilians. For those who don't know much about crochet, seeing the finished art seems impossible to do. But know that with some tips, determination and especially practice everything is getting easier! Here you will learn some crochet steps for beginners.

Content Index:

  • Necessary materials
  • Crochet Tips For Beginners
  • Crochet for Beginners: Step by Step

Necessary materials

To crochet, the main materials you will need are basically thread and needle. Other items like scissors and tape measure will also help you get started. Check out more details:

  • Needle: There are several types of needle sizes from thin to thick. At first, opt for a thin one, as it is easier to work with.
  • Line: Always use the optimal thickness thread according to the needle you will handle. Feel free to choose the color!
  • Scissors: Scissors are essential for fastening and cutting the threads. So always have one by your side that cuts well.
  • Measuring tape: Even counting the stitches, it is possible that the crochet will start to take different shapes. In this case, the tape measure is indispensable for measuring your work.

All materials listed above are affordable and can be found at craft and trimming stores.

Crochet Tips For Beginners

If you have never had contact with crochet, getting started can be a difficult task. But it is possible to learn this beautiful art with some techniques. Look!

Read also: Square Crochet Rug: 80 Charming Ideas and Step-by-Step Models

1. Crochet from scratch in 5 steps

Ju is a crochet teacher and, with a lot of didactics, demonstrates the necessary steps for those entering the universe of threads and needles. They are: how to hold the needle and thread, initial loop, little chains and lows, highs and lows.

2. Crochet Tips for Beginners

Scissors, tape measure and notebook are some of the indispensable materials for those who are starting to crochet. Jane also teaches not to start work with tight spots and always keep careers straight.

3. Types of thread and crochet hooks

Read also: Crochet Dress: 50 How-To Ideas and Step-by-Step Models

Do you want to find out how to make beautiful crochet pieces? Learn from this online course how to make crochet pieces step by step from beginner to advanced. There are more than 3 thousand models for you. Recover the investment within the first month. I want to receive exclusive content

In the Drikka video you learn how to check crochet line textures and color numbers, as well as identify the ideal needles for each type of work.

4. Crochet Hooks

In more detail, this video shows all types of needle available on the market with material specifications, sizes and prices.

5. How to end the crochet piece

See in the tutorial how to perfect the crochet piece with the trim and the thread hidden between the stitches.

Read also: Crochet Quilt: 60 Ideas and Tutorials for Making Your Own

With all the above tips you can start to work! If it sounds complicated at first, don't give up and keep practicing. The secret is training and persistence!

Crochet for Beginners: Step by Step

Now that you know the main techniques of crochet it is time to make more elaborate pieces. Check out below tutorials specially selected for beginners!

1. How to make circular crochet

Round shaped crochet is ideal for training your skills. First do the initial loop and then continue with careers until the job is the desired size.

2. Crochet square for beginners

With three different colors, this little square is easy to make! After crocheting some, you can make pillows, quilts, quilts and various other patchwork work.

3. Wrapped Crochet Flower

Start by making a chain with 68 little chains and then work with low points. Then just roll and finish the flower!

4. Crochet heart for application

Easy and quick to make, this little crochet heart is perfect to apply to pillows, quilts, purses and wherever your creativity dictates.

5. Crochet Spout

Crochet spouts add a touch of charm to the dishcloth bars! To do, it is recommended to use thinner threads and needles.

6. Crochet Bracelet

With a fine hand thread and 1.25 mm needle, make eight small flowers and nail each other with hoops. A beautiful accessory to complement your look!

7. Crochet Sousplat

Follow with simple stitches to make this beautiful round crochet sousplat! You will need a thicker thread to secure the workpiece and 1.75 mm needle.

8. Crochet Beanie

Nothing better than a warm hat to warm the cold days! Use a 6mm or 7mm needle-specific needle thread to give the stitches a wider finish.

9. Cropped Crochet

Use thread number 3 and 2mm needle to crochet cropped. Versatile, it can also be used as a bikini top.

10. Simple and easy carpet for beginners

To make this beautiful crochet rug you will need 24 thread and 7mm needle. Simple points are ideal for those just starting out!

If crochet was once "grandma's thing", today it is an art that moves the market and still helps many people as a form of therapy. In addition to the pieces shown here, the technique encompasses a plethora of unique and creative work such as blouses, scarves, table runners and general home and decor items. What are you waiting for? Start doing it too!

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  • Crochet, Decoration
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