6 Habits That Are As Harmful To Health As Smoking

Smoking is a habit that causes damage to virtually all our organs and, as you well know, increases the risk of various diseases, from hypertension to pulmonary emphysema and various cancers.

Isn't it for nothing that cigarettes reduce women's lives by 11 years and men's by 12? After all, it is estimated that 1 in 2 smokers die from causes related to this habit. However, he is not alone in severely harming our health. Check out six other behaviors as dangerous as smoking, even though some of them may seem harmless:

1. Take too much soda

Soft drinks contain high doses of sugar, the main culprit in the increase in obesity, diabetes, heart problems and other chronic diseases. It is estimated that consumption of one can per day could result in a 7 kg increase after one year.

Even light sodas pose risks as all industrialized beverages contain additives such as colorings, flavorings and preservatives that overload the liver.

2. Sleep less than 6 or more than 10 hours a day

Both excess and lack of sleep increase the risk of diseases such as depression, obesity, diabetes and heart problems. Therefore, the ideal is to sleep 7 to 9 hours every day, according to your personal need.

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In addition, it is recommended to avoid the popular "snooze" function, as interrupted sleep periods make us even more tired than getting up as soon as the first alert sounds.

3. Spend a lot of time sitting

According to an Australian survey, adults who spend more than 11 hours sitting a day are 40% more likely to die in the next 3 years than people who stay in this position for less than 4 hours.

Also, this habit increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, even if you exercise frequently. Therefore it is essential to get up every hour to move around.

4. Drink a lot of coffee

Drinking coffee is a great way to feel better in the morning. However, according to a US survey, consuming more than 4 cups of coffee a day can increase the risk of death in people under 55.

The hypotheses that explain this effect are related to the fact that caffeine stimulates adrenaline release, reduces insulin action and increases blood pressure. In addition, there seems to be a genetic factor involved in this mechanism, increasing mortality especially among men.

Also read: 10 Healthy Habits You Must Adopt

5. Cross the legs

This may seem like a harmless habit; however, staying long with your legs crossed can have complications such as the appearance of varicose veins, increased blood pressure, hip tension, postural problems and even thrombosis.

6. Have an inadequate diet

It's no use thinking you have a healthy lifestyle because you don't smoke if your diet isn't very balanced. A diet rich in fast food and processed foods can offer as many preservatives and other chemical additives as tobacco and alcohol consumption.

And you already know the consequences of an improper diet: anemia, obesity, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis, and various cancers, among other diseases.

Does all this mean that the cigarette is not that bad? Of course not! Smoking remains a very dangerous habit, but it is essential to keep in mind that just staying away from smoking is not enough. To really maintain our health, we need to follow a global care routine, making good choices about diet, rest and physical activity as well.


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