23 beef jerky recipes for all tastes

Born ? It seems ? In Pernambuco, and very popular in the Northeast, the hidden beef was gradually conquering all of Brazil. The dish is original? it consisted of layers of cassava purée (cassava or cassava) with shredded dried meat, all topped with gratin cheese.

Is the name of the dish simply due to the fact of the filling? the beef jerky in case? stay hidden between the layers of mash.

However, that Brazilian way of innovating in the kitchen made the traditional dry meat concealer gain infinite versions, retaining only the basic characteristic of merging layers of a puree with the filling.

So today, it is not hard to understand why the dried meat stash is so successful! Besides allowing different combinations (you can use cassava, potato, manioc, sweet potato, pumpkin and whatever your creativity allows to make the puree), is a delicious dish that allows a complete meal: just a white rice to accompany or simply , a little salad. Not to mention that it is not a difficult dish to prepare! Check out and get inspired by the recipes below:

Stash with cassava

1. Cassava Sun Beef Stash: To begin with, you will need to remove salt from the sun meat. And the tip is to soak it in milk overnight? With that she gets very soft too. Then just follow the step by step of the classic recipe.

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2. Dried beef stew with cassava and curd: a recipe that doesn't require much cooking skills. Perhaps the most boring part is taking care of wahoo. But you can choose to buy it already peeled, in water, for example.

3. Escondidinho of dried meat with cassava and cream: a recipe with "gaucho touches". You will basically need beef jerky, cassava, onion, garlic, water, peeled tomatoes and herbs.

4. Escondidinho of dried meat with cassava and coconut milk: for a practical and delicious meal. If you are having a dinner or lunch, for example, you can leave a dish of that ready in the fridge and the next day you will only need a white rice and a salad (leaves) to accompany.

5. Escondidinho of dried meat with cassava and gorgonzola: the dried meat marries perfectly with the puree of cassava (cassava, cassava) and the cream of gorgonzola, which gives the special touch! For those who like to innovate in the kitchen and dishes full of flavor!

6. Escondidinho of dried meat with cassava and 3 cheeses: ideal for those who love cheese! You will use dried meat, olive oil, onion, garlic, tomato paste, cassava, butter, milk, chicken stock, creamy curd, mozzarella cheese and Parmesan cheese.

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7. Escondidinho of dried meat with cassava and dried tomato sauce: for a meal with striking flavors! You'll need meat, onions, olive oil, butter, garlic, green-smelling carrots, dried red vines, thyme, black pepper, salt, oil-dried tomatoes, and cornstarch.

8. Escondidinho of dried meat with cassava, coconut milk and curd cheese: a recipe with the face of the Northeast, because, in addition to the sun meat, has gratin curd cheese on top. Not to mention the main ingredients, you will use onion, coconut milk, oil and salt.

9. Escondidinho of dried meat with cassava and bacon: the recipe yields eight people. You will need dried meat, cassava, medium potatoes, bay leaves, salt, chopped bacon, garlic, tomatoes, pepper, green-smell, butter, milk, curd and Parmesan.

10. Escondidinho of dried meat with cassava and pepper pout: a dish of strong flavors, for those who love pepper! In addition to the main ingredients, you will use onion, garlic, butter, salt, black pepper, tomatoes, green smells and grated half-cured cheese.

Stash with potato

11. Potato jerky: The preparation is simple and even those who are not used to jerky can risk this recipe. The meat should go for about 40 minutes in the pressure cooker until it is about to be shredded and then sautéed.

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12. Dried beef conceal with potatoes and curd: The tip is to serve this conceal in small portions. They are more inviting and fill the eyes of those who will taste! Good choice to serve as an entry on occasion between friends.

13. Escondidinho de carne carne with baroa potato: the recipe takes some work (since there are several steps), and the preparation starts the day before, because the meat needs to soak in the water for one night to take the salt, the result is great! It is worth testing.

14Dried beef jerky with baroa potatoes and curd: You will need to desalk the dried beef by placing it for at least 12 hours in the water, preferably changing the water every 4 hours. Therefore it is good to prepare to make the dish in advance. But surely it will be worth it in the end!

15. Escondidinho of dried meat with baroa potatoes and kale: the preparation is approximately one hour. In addition to the main ingredients, you will use onion, butter, parsley, fresh cream, grated Parmesan cheese, oil, salt and pepper.

16. Dried beef stew with baroa potatoes and broccoli: a practical and complete recipe to serve the whole family in a special way! You will use baroa potatoes, broccoli, muscle or lizard, bay leaf, olive oil, butter, salt, nutmeg and leek.

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17. Escondidinho of dried meat with sweet potatoes: the preparation is very simple and the difference is only the exchange of common potatoes for sweet potatoes. Just cook it, then pass it through a juicer and puree it with some milk, butter and salt.

18. Escondidinho of dried meat with sweet potatoes and curd: the recipe yields a lot and is very tasty to be enjoyed very warm, when the hideaway is quite creamy. You will basically use sun meat, onions, sweet potatoes and butter.

Different hideaways

19. Escondidinho of dried meat with plantain: how about preparing a classic Brazilian dish with a more tropical touch ?! This is the purpose of this recipe that replaces cassava, potato or baroa with plantain.

20. Hidden beef jerky with pumpkin: a different and tasty recipe. Mashed with cabotiá pumpkin and butter. If you want a more "smooth" puree, you can pass it in the juicer, otherwise it will be more rustic.

21. Microwave-dried beef stew: a practical recipe to make whenever you feel like eating a delicious and complete dish! You will need dried meat, potatoes, cheese or mozzarella cheese, butter or margarine and curd.

22. Gluten-free, lactose-free beef stew: A functional gluten-free, lactose-free stew made from manioc and chickpea puree. A healthy recipe that will delight everyone!

23. Lactose-free dried meat stew: yields four to five individual pots or a medium-sized glass baking dish. You will need cassava, zero lactose milk, salt, beef jerky, onion and light zero lactose mozzarella.

It is noteworthy that the hidden beef stuffed with dried meat is the best known, but that same Brazilian way that allowed the puree to be made with various ingredients (besides cassava), also allowed any other ingredient, besides dried meat, to be used stuffing: chicken, cod, shrimp, ground beef, tuna and whatever your imagination tells you!

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