Diamond Peeling: Beautiful, Soft Painless Skin

Soft, spotless and beautiful skin. This is the promise of diamond peeling that delights women so much. The procedure performed in dermatology or aesthetic clinics accelerates skin renewal through dermabrasion, a scraping technique that, although it impresses at first glance, does not irritate the skin or cause pain.

"Removing the top layer of dead skin contributes not only to improved blood circulation and increased metabolic rate in skin tissues, but also to the formation of connective elements present in young skin such as collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid." , explains Luana Meireles, Ophicina Hair Beautician.

In practice, diamond peeling consists of a deeper exfoliation, usually performed on the face, lap or hands. Its main benefit is to help restore the structure of the skin. "The procedure is indicated for acne treatments, fine expression wrinkles, blemishes, sagging and red and white stretch marks," says Patricia Zaruty, beautician at Zerran Brazil Coiffeur.

The difference with other types of peeling is the tool used: a diamond tip, which is much less invasive. It is the one that comes in contact with the skin and the experts ensure that it does not cause any pain.

• The diamond tip is not annoying or uncomfortable and one of its biggest advantages is not causing redness or peeling. The person can return to daily life immediately and the procedure can even be performed near parties, such as graduations and weddings ?, explains Patricia.

How is diamond peeling done?

Check out the basic script of diamond peel application in clinics:

  1. Skin Cleansing: A makeup remover is applied with massages in circular motions. The product is removed with water and gauze so that the skin receives a tonic for even deeper cleansing.
  2. Exfoliation: Then a facial scrub is applied for a maximum of one minute and then removed again with water and gauze.
  3. Peeling: With totally clean skin, it's time for the diamond tip to kick in. The procedure lasts a maximum of five minutes and the sensation on the skin is of slight suction.
  4. Relaxation: After application, the skin receives a relaxing mask, which serves to soothe it. After 20 minutes, the product is removed with water and gauze and the end is the use of sunscreen.

Patricia explains that the first effects of the treatment are felt right after the first application, but the results become more evident after about five sessions, once a week or every fortnight, depending on the case.

• Immediately after application, the skin becomes a little pinker and therefore should not be irritated with the nails. But gradually age-related spots, fine lines, wrinkles and freckles will become less and less visible and may even disappear completely.

Diamond peeling is indicated for all skin types, but Patricia considers some contraindications: the procedure should not be performed when the person has some type of inflammatory skin disease or acne of grade II, III and IV.

Another important caution is not to give up the sunscreen on the face and avoid the sun after application. Summer is not a restriction, but if you have a choice, choose to peel during winter, which is the best time for this type of procedure.

Peeling leaves the skin very sensitive for about a week, even peeling. Resist the temptation to pull the fur? and let your face recover naturally without using makeup or any type of cosmetics other than sunscreen. After this most critical early phase, rehydrate your skin normally.

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  • Acne, Stretch Marks, Skin, Wrinkles
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