Don't let fear hinder your happiness

Who does not know this feeling, a cold in the belly, an anguish, the fear of moving on and not realizing, the fear of making mistakes and repenting? Sure, we've all been through similar situations, but why does that simple word terrify us already?

Fear according to Wikipedia is a sensation that provides a state of alertness shown by the fear of doing something, usually by feeling threatened, both physically and psychologically.

Fear is triggered by physical reactions being started with adrenaline rush into our body causing heart rate acceleration and tremors. It can cause excessive attention to everything around you, depression, panic, etc. Fear is a reaction obtained from contact with some physical or mental stimulus (interpretation, imagination, belief) that generates an alert response in the body. This initial reaction triggers a physiological response in the body that releases stress hormones (adrenaline, cortisol) preparing the individual to fight or flee.

Fear is a normal reaction that every human being has ever felt even though it is not pleasant, this feeling can be positive in our lives. When we are afraid, we are careful to avoid situations that would be unpleasant, such as taking care when crossing an avenue, closing the car door when shopping in a supermarket, so we can interpret fear as a protection for our well being. physical, psychological and material.

But we never stop to appreciate how helpful this feeling is to us, and we only cling to situations that are extremely unpleasant to us. This situation of holding on only to the negative side often prevents us from gaining new experiences, living pleasant moments and achieving success.

This is because some people allow fear to paralyze it, feeling powerless to move on testing adaptability and improving professional and personal quality. You need to be very clear that the only person who can stop you is yourself, as well as change what bothers you.

It is much easier to put the problem in another, thinking that your partner would not want you to take up a new position in the company, or to use some excuses that prevent you from trying a new business, as this will continue in the comfort zone, dominated by fear of new.

In this way we can conclude how important it is to evaluate what we feel, to know what are the consequences that this feeling can lead us, so that we avoid losing opportunities or even protect ourselves. Self-knowledge is fundamental not only in this respect but in all others in our lives, whether at work, at home, with children, with family.

Opportunity to know what your limits are, the time to move on, to stop, to communicate assertively, to relate to each other with tranquility and security, are so many benefits that you can develop from the moment you allow yourself to change.

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