Executive Women x PMS

Every month thousands of women around the world suffer from the same disease: PMS. Reaching most women, it is capable of causing immense emotional damage to the feeler.

Experts say that, in general, the feeling that exists during PMS is something as if the world is about to end, is a whirlwind of almost uncontrollable emotions.

Lucky have those women? more precisely 40% of them? not even realize that they are in a period prone to premenstrual tension. However, unfortunate 32% of them have severe PMS symptoms.

The most common PMS symptoms they are depression, negative thoughts, anxiety, nervousness and irritability, sudden sadness, sudden change of mood, easy crying, feeling of rejection, among others. In addition, PMS manifests itself in the body as well, through pain, swelling and tiredness often apparent on the woman's face.

Living these days indoors in an environment of physical and social comfort is no longer a pleasant thing. However, reconciling these days and work is practically a challenge to modern women.

In order for a woman not to have her work life affected by the terrible days of PMS, she needs to take care of herself and treat her symptoms. In some cases, symptoms are related to ovulation and can be controlled with the use of birth control pills.

In other cases, in which the woman suffers from premenstrual dysphoric disorder, it is necessary to use medications alone or in combination. However, only a doctor can indicate which medications should be given. Are there any situations when using Fluoxetine? an antidepressant? It is recommend in minimal doses.

The first step in controlling this situation and minimizing the damage that PMS can do to the working life of modern women is to take note of everything you feel? physically and emotionally? before, during and after menstruation.

That done, the second step is to consult a gynecologist. With this information in hand, you can describe your chart to the professional who, knowing the details of your case, can indicate the best treatment available. It is noteworthy that the PMS is not a disease, it is actually a physiological change caused in the body during the menstrual cycle.

During this time and especially during the most intense times, avoid making decisions or speaking to someone in your work with whom you no longer have a good relationship. These days you may end up offending someone without even intending, so be careful. If you are comfortable with this, let your coworkers know that you are not on a good day of the month and this can help them understand your attitudes.

It is also recommended, during these terrible days, to bet on a balanced diet rich in nutrients and vitamins, as well as exercise. Maintaining this healthy routine is essential for decrease PMS symptoms.

Taking these precautions and being careful, it is possible to go through PMS without having any major problems, especially when it comes to personal life.

The good news about PMS | Robyn Stein DeLuca | TEDxSBU (April 2024)

  • Wellness, PMS
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