Love has no age or time to happen

Like any other feeling, love is not chosen to be felt at any given time, it simply happens. The person who feels may react differently, of course, depending on the moment of life they are going through, or how old they are, but that does not make the feeling any less true.

Leticia Guedes, clinical psychologist, relationship coach, and behavior analyst, comments that, indeed, love comes suddenly, choosing neither age, place, right time, nor right person. He simply appears. And it's up to us to decide to go ahead or discard your possible "dearest half." Love is a complete disorder, these days people run rushing, with no time for themselves and especially for others, and when it comes to love, many may think it would be each other or yourself.

However, whether it is up to the person to accept this love, or not, often in relationships that people do not have an age that is judged as "the ideal", it ends up causing suffering for those involved.

“I think society generalizes that older people do not love just as young people do. It is as if the elders are reserved for any love that is asexual. Age can not be characterized as a concept, love in old age can have the same intensity as in youth, but it is more vivid and more experienced ?, explains the coach.

It must be understood that love, passion, sexuality are not conditioned solely on our physical body, nor are they exclusively linked to biological age. Despite this, machismo, culture and modern society as a whole describe that love is restricted to youth and that after that there is only respect. It is not because age is past a certain mark that people will not fall in love again. Is the human being able to fall in love and live many loves ?, adds the expert.

Also read:? Love? it's not all in a relationship

The rush in which society lives can be good and bad for love. “The bright side is that sudden love can come and the bad is that we get stuck in our jobs, families, finances and forget to look the other way and look for a love. The categories institutionalized by the human being hinder them to live life fully, trapping desires, feelings, emotions, pleasures. Love, passion and sexuality are all part of life. Love contributes to the preservation of physical and mental health, is like an exercise. If we set an age to love someone, we risk being alone and that is not good for our health. It is best to always allow yourself to love knocking on our door?

? I found love when I least imagined?

Check out testimonials of those who lived the love when least expected and get inspired by the stories.

Luana Costa, 33

Luana met her husband when she was 17 and he was 32. She says that she spent every day in front of the bar where he played guitar and whenever she passed he played the song Ludo Real, by Chico Buarque.

“The first year was the hardest, my family was against it, it was very heavy that he was married and had a child, at that time he was five years old. My mother forbade me to answer his phones, even told him to walk away, we were some time apart, he and I even tried to date other people, but one meeting was enough and everything came back. It was until after turning 18, I said to myself, to him, to my mother, to everyone, that we were going to be together, dated the old-fashioned wheelchair.?

Ivone Migorance, 78

Ivone married twice, once at 13 and once at 27. She was widowed by both husbands, the latter 39 years old. But that didn't stop her believing in love. At 66 he fell in love again. The dance buddy at the senior balls was proving to be a good friend and great company. This turned into a happy relationship that lasted for 7 years until Joseph passed away.

Read also:? Mom, I'm dating ?: How to deal with dating teenage children

D. M., 59

Dona M. has never been married, but has plans to make it happen later this year. She's been with her boyfriend V. J., 68, 2 years ago. For her, who has had other lasting relationships, the love you feel during some periods of life is different from others.

"Today, for me, love is related to the fellowship we have for each other, which is very important at this point in our lives."

Love is a wonderful feeling and when shared it creates an even better feeling. Allow yourself to love and don't let the passing of the years prevent you from feeling worthy of having a new love, a new passion, new relationships.

Love Has No Age (April 2024)

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