Feminine leadership from the perspective of reason

I don't like sexist movements, I don't believe in equality (according to common sense of equality), and I don't like laws or acts that favor gender in the labor market. I am not comfortable celebrating Women's Day because I think I am unfair to men for not repaying kindness. I think we live a dynamic process where each one occupies his own place; and in the world there is room for everyone.

Think of three evolutionary variables on this question:

First: One of the reasons why man still stands out in the job market is that historically women recently entered the scene. As time goes on, I believe that the importance of gender distinction tends to diminish.

Let us do the math: How long ago did men leave their homes and go to the market? seek the? provision ?? Since when were you trained for this? ? From the earliest days when they went hunting to bring food.

And the women? They took care of the harvest and the family and home space. Result: For thousands of years men have been culturally programmed into the labor market and historically this is a new advent for women.

Although women have always contributed to their livelihoods on a timely basis (see Industrial Revolution when they went with children to work and in cultures where tradition assigns them specific functions), effectively and globally this is a very recent advent.

Speaking of Brazil, we don't even have 100 years of female preparation for the market. Therefore, over the years this presence, including in leadership positions, tends to achieve more egalitarian statistics.

Second variable: Cultural change is happening in both the female and male roles. Man is no longer just the material provider, just as woman is not only the provider of affection and presence in the lives of children and family. Like women, men privilege new values.

It is increasingly common for men to take their children to the doctor while their women are at work meetings. In this new dynamic, domestic and material supply roles are divided and reinvented all the time.

This generation understands that both parents should attend school meetings, the pediatrician, or whatever is needed. In a way, this cultural change relieves a woman's double shift and gives her greater dedication to work, which consequently increases her chances career advancement.

The male conception of fatherhood has also changed. Girls are raised with the freedom to play soccer as well as boys to play house. Men increasingly want to be with their children and this helps women with their careers.

Finally society is introjecting some obvious facts: Man also has a family life, children need male presence in their lives and parent reunion ends with plural s (and you see, this event is not called mother reunion), which eliminates the false sense that only women can have as a career limiting point having family and children; simply because men have them too!

Third variable: Although women spend more time with their ? home and family career? (including the biological role of conception), and 80% of companies evaluate this item when hiring, technology helps meet women's needs to reconcile their professional career with their family aspirations.

It is undeniable that most women get pregnant, have children and raise a family. But with the technology available today, it is becoming increasingly possible for women to exercise leadership even being physically distant from the company. By the way, the good leader is the one who creates a team that can produce without his presence.

In addition, notebooks, smartphones, and other technologies create a new dynamic in which people bring work to their homes and when necessary, enter their personal lives during business hours without harming the company and career.

I am an executive, mother, wife, sister, daughter, sportsman, neighbor, friend and just like you (whether male or female) I take on various roles. I know it's not an easy journey, but that was the choice I made. All leadership requires resignationjust like every choice.

I knew I would have obstacles, but I prepare every day to eliminate them (I prefer to eliminate over, if I have to make my way back). And I believe in a future where merit and leadership profiles are discussed most importantly, without ignoring that men and women are realities of the corporate world in whatever position and with their neurons, emotions, testosterone or estrogen have much to contribute to the future of management in the world.

In the next article we will think about female leadership from the perspective of emotion, in an existentialist perspective. And don't forget to compare the two articles so that together we create the identity of our column. To the next!

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