Hair length reflects woman's personality

Long, short, smooth, curled. There are so many different styles and models of hair cuts that women have the option to change their look at any time. But much more complex than it sounds, thorough analysis of threads can classify personality and type of person.

According to human behavior expert Felipe Okazaki, it is possible to Characterize the style of woman through her hair. ? Hair reveals the personality and current attitude of how a person is facing life and there are different ways to deal with this person as well. Variations in style can tell us how extravagant or practical she is, how emotionally mature she is, how much detachment she has from others?

And to do this analysis, we take into account the texture, the length, the style of the wires and in other cases, the general context of the face. Often the person also lets their hair grow to cover a scar, an allergy to the back of the neck, so we should be careful to analyze the personality only by the hair. So many other readings are often necessary, such as reading the face and hands, as they may reveal details such as health, financial status, your love past ?, says Okazaki.

According to the expert, drastic changes in hair style, for example, woman with long hair and adopts cut joãozinho, does not interfere with the research. ? Hair analysis is precisely to demonstrate what she currently feels. How she is projecting herself to others. So if she wants to adopt a straight hair style, we can say that she wants to adopt a more practical person posture. Do attitudes alter personality?

Okazaki separated some more common cases. Check out:

Long hair

According to the expert, they are usually more sensitive and much more flexible people. He suggests that in order to deal with this type of personality it is good to avoid speaking and to avoid speaking loud and fast. ? Use enough words of feeling: welcome, help, feel, longing, thrill, love, heart, intuition ?, comments.

Medium hair

With versatile personality, these people are usually going through a phase in which they seek balance in life in order to adapt to situations, whether they are new or not. Do you appreciate the dynamism, sincerity and self-sufficiency?

Short Hair

For Okazaki, they are practical people. Generally those who cut their hair short want to be less sensitive and suffer less interference in life. To better handle this personality get to the point! Explore words like: often, always, basic and practical ?, he suggests.

Curly hair

According to the expert, these people have difficulty leaving the past behind. “These people live mulling over past hurts. To better deal with this personality keep your focus on the present ?, he says.

Straight hair

According to the expert, they are people with practical and linear thinking. “Anyone looking to straighten their hair is somehow trying to leave the past behind and move on. To better deal with this personality avoid misunderstandings, always be objective?

Fringe forward

They are insecure individuals who have not yet matured enough. To better deal with this personality avoid charges or delegate too many responsibilities, he suggests.

And do you fit one of these profiles?

What Your Hair Length Says About Your True Personality (May 2024)

  • Hair, Short Hair
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