How to choose the best contraceptive

Family planning involves much more than the choice of housing and the life the couple will choose for the new phase of life. Therefore, planning the number of children and when they will be born are key requirements for financial and emotional balance.

For this, there are in Brazil more than 60 contraceptive methods that help the family in this planning: the contraceptives.

From various brands, types and ways of handling them, they work for one purpose: to prevent the egg from being fertilized by the sperm and bring about an unwanted pregnancy. The only disagreement between them is the way the medicine works in a woman's body.

What is usually heard by users is that since they started taking the medicines, there has been a weight gain and some side effects. "Currently contraceptives have fewer hormones than before, because the goal is to have safer sex, but also the drug has fewer possible side effects," says pharmacist Lucy Paiva.

Therefore, Le Baragosse separated the contraceptive types most used by women and the way each one acts in the body. Check out:


Known as the contraceptive barrier method, there are two types of condoms: female condoms made of polyurethane and male condoms made of latex, which prevent sperm from fertilizing the uterus. • This type of contraceptive is ideal for protecting the couple from sexually transmitted diseases. They don't change a woman's ovulation either, Lucy explains.


The intrauterine device (IUD) is placed by the gynecologist in the patient's uterus. Only the doctor can introduce the device into the woman's body. Although it is a safe method, it does not protect the couple from sexually transmitted diseases ?, says the pharmacist.

Hormone Injection

For those who forget to take pill pills, hormone injections are a good option. • Injections inhibit a woman's ovulation. For those who join, you have to take it every month. But it is important to emphasize that during breastfeeding, the woman will not be able to use it ?, says Lucy Paiva.

Contraceptive pill

Hormonal pills should be taken daily and always at the same time. • The pills should be taken every day. The good thing about this method is that if the woman does not adapt to the drug, there is the possibility of changing it ?, comments the pharmacist.


Usually it is fixed on the skin and releases the hormones that prevent ovulation. "The disadvantage of this method is that it can come off the skin, which decreases the effectiveness of contraception," says Lucy.

Routine tests

Regardless of the choice of contraceptive method, it is important for a woman to consult her gynecologist for routine gynecological examinations and to consider which type of contraceptive is the best option for her body.

The correct choice of medicine is essential for prevention, for the type of organism and also to prevent unwanted pregnancy with greater certainty. • Women need to understand that for each type of woman, one type of medicine is recommended. Taking it without a prescription and without the professional's guidance can lead to future problems ?, explains the pharmacist.

Female Birth Control Options | Family Planning (April 2024)

  • Contraceptive Methods, Prevention and Treatment
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