How to Eat Healthy Outside the Home

Dining options, cafeterias and street cafes abound. With a variety of menus and ethnic foods, it is possible to eat differently every day. But poor hygiene with improper preparation and storage of ingredients can lead to disease and infection. Therefore, being mindful of what you put on your plate when eating out is essential, as well as giving preference to tasty and healthy foods.

Restaurant hygiene

For nutritionist Camila Fiorenzzi, observing the environment in detail is an evaluation item at the time of the meal. • Be aware of the cleanliness of the place, the arrangement of tables and the cleaning of the environment. Observing if the restaurant is clean is essential for selection, he says.

Notice how the food is served. They must be perfectly covered for the protection of insects, arranged in aluminum refractories and under direct action of fire. That way they will always be warm and free of insects that can cause disease ?, comments the nutritionist.


Morning coffee is the first meal of the day and should be well prepared.?It is important to be careful at breakfast as it is a very important meal. Yoghurts, milk with coffee, granola and fruits can not miss ?, says Camila.

If you go to a cafeteria or bakery, prefer natural snacks and add natural juices to enhance nutrition.

Restaurants offer variety of rolls, but always be aware of the amount.?It is not forbidden to eat bread, but eat moderately. Replace butter, for example, with white cheese ?, says the nutritionist.

Lunch: Make Your Dish Yourself

Don't forget about salads at lunch time. ? In restaurants you can find variety of leaves. Make a diverse dish: lettuce, grated carrots, olives, white cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers, for example. Capriche with sauces ?, Camila recommends.

Also consume carbohydrates moderately. Do not forget rice, cassava and proteins such as chicken, meat and fish, comments the nutritionist.

Although tempting, don't trade a full lunch meal for a snack or snack. It is important to have a complete meal to ensure the nutrients needed for the day.


Eating lighter foods at night is recommended. ? A salad or vegetable soup is always good! Do you eat well, and lightly ?, suggests the nutritionist. At dinner, avoid eating heavy snacks at all costs and control the time not to eat too late.

Avoid fried foods and fast food

Forget the fried foods in the restaurants. Always prefer boiled or grilled foods. Fried foods are no longer so healthy and eating them outside is not a good option as it can hurt the stomach and cause nausea throughout the day ?, says Camila.

Eating at fast food restaurants when you are away from home is very tempting because it is fast and it quenches that strong urge to eat, but opting for these foods disrupts your nutrition and can lead to obesity.

Beverages and Desserts

As for drinks, prefer the natural juices. Leave the sodas aside. Natural or pulp juices are recommended on a daily basis. ?, Camila comments.

Healthy desserts are always very welcome. Prefer fruits and jellies, especially on hot days. Are they refreshing and super healthy desserts? Says nutritionist Camila.

Meal time

Although the work routine is intense, you need to respect exactly the time of each meal. Make your schedule quietly, chew your food well and taste each one. A healthy meal is not only about having quality food on your plate, but also eating calmly and at times recommended by your dietitian ?, Camila suggests.

Do not skip meals

It is recommended to eat at least every 3 hours. That way you will always have something in your stomach and not be so hungry at the next meal. Always take a fruit with you wherever you are, whether at work or somewhere other than your home. If you have a refrigerator there, bring fruit juices or salads in a small portion? Camila says.

Follow the nutritionist's tips and always be aware of the restaurant's hygiene. The important thing is to eat properly and respect the lunch time. By eating well and healthy you will have better disposition and better perform your daily tasks.

Eat Healthy for Under $20 (April 2024)

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