How to share homework with your mate

Do you share your home with a man and don't have a housekeeper to help you with the housework? You and he can share these responsibilities, so the burden of taking care of a home will not be all over you, which is very fair. Here are the three steps you can take to get them both to do their part when it comes to cleaning and organizing the home.

Step 1 ? Check what is to be done in the house

The first step to take to share tasks with your mate fairly, without leaving the worst for him or her, is to list everything that should be done in the house. With this list in hand, it is easier for you to talk and organize about who does what when.

Step 2? Talk about what each would like to do

Once you have identified the tasks to be done, you should talk and try to agree on what each one will do. You can also choose the worst tasks and try to distribute them equally to both, so neither will have to do more difficult tasks than the other. Another option is to do the less pleasurable tasks together, so you may be able to make it less painful.

If you have no preferences for certain activities, you can separate household chores by room. For example, one of you cleans the bedroom and bathroom, while the other cleans the kitchen and living room, and so on. Always remembering that it is important to maintain a sense of fairness and companionship when making this division.

Step 3? Organize your housework

Once you have decided who does what, you can put together a plan for organizing tasks. In this plan you can indicate the days and times to do each task if you want to be more specific. Or they can just list tasks in that plan and who should do them each week if they want to be more flexible.

Alternatives to sharing responsibilities as a couple

You both can also choose not to divide the tasks, but to do them together and distribute them on the spot. This is a practical way and allows both to help each other and also to take turns taking the kind of tasks they are doing with each cleaning.

Another option is to let one of you be responsible for cleaning and organizing the house each week. It is noteworthy, that in this case, it is important that neither enjoy that it is the week of the other clean to make the biggest dirt and mess in the house. Always take the other into consideration and encourage him to have the same attitude.

Be fair when sharing home responsibilities and this will not have a negative impact on the couple's life.

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  • Cleanliness, Relationships
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