10 places we forgot to clean at the time of cleaning

On a cleaning day nothing goes unnoticed. From ceiling to floor, everything is glowing and the smell of cleaning hangs in the air! But are you not forgetting anything?

There are some places and objects that seem to contain no dirt, but in reality they are impregnated with dust and dust, such as fans, sponges, crevices and even the remote control of your television.

Here are 10 unusual places you may be missing out on in your cleaning:

1. Sponges

The job done by the sponge is to absorb bacteria and dirt. They are used in various cleaning activities of the house, but often are not clean. You don't want to clean your home's dishes with a sponge full of germs, do you? So it is very important that the sponges are disinfected frequently and after a period of use, replaced. To disinfect them, immerse the sponge in a mixture of 3/4 cup bleach and one liter of water.

2. Cracks

Do you know that space between the sink and the stove? Between the nightstand and the bed? Even if they are tiny it is important to clean them regularly as they can become a? Deposit? of dust and dirt. For this you can use a vacuum cleaner with a long tip.

3. The things that stay up high

Items stored high up inside cabinets or not tend to be dusty. The most commonly overlooked points are: light fixtures, cabinets and door and window frames.

4. Ceiling Fan

Even if you can't see it, the ceiling fan is also another item that accumulates a lot of dust. And worst of all, when you turn on the fan it's still spreading all the dust accumulated on it to your home. Wipe it off with a damp microfiber cloth and use a multipurpose product.

5. Small electronics

Did you know that your television remote control is one of the dirtiest items in your home? Other small electronics such as cell phones and headsets can also accumulate germs. Clean these items frequently with an alcohol disinfectant or cotton swab.

6. Broom

Brooms are great for getting rid of dust and dirt, but how often do you often clean the broom you use in your home? The answer should be: regularly. Brooms accumulate dirt that if left unclean will invade your home! To clean them, put them in a container with warm water and enough soap to cover them. Vacuum cleaners can also be used in such cases.

7. Hats, Scarves, Gloves, Umbrella

Like any other garment, warm clothing accumulates our dead skin and bacteria. Regularly you need to clean items such as hats, scarves and gloves.

8. Gym Bag

After training you certainly wash the clothes you used, right? But what about the gym bag? It is probably not cleaned often. Start cleaning the bag inside and out today with a damp cloth and sprinkle some baking soda to help absorb odors.

9. Dishwasher

It is common to forget the dishwasher at the time of cleaning. Even if it serves to clean the dishes is also an item that accumulates dirt. Pay attention to these areas of greater dirt accumulation such as rubber and the top of the door.

10. The fridge rubber

It is common for the refrigerator to be cleaned when cleaning the kitchen. But cleanliness must go beyond doors and shelves. Next time be sure to clean the sealing rubber from the fridge.

7 NASTY THINGS YOU SHOULD BE CLEANING (but probably aren't) (April 2024)

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