How to deal with flu in pregnancy

It is very common for pregnant women to develop colds and flu because their immune system is weakened to provide the best conditions for the development of the fetus. While there is no cause for serious concern about this disease, it is important to take care that treatments that are detrimental to the development and health of the young baby are not taken.

As soon as a pregnant woman notices flu symptoms, she should seek medical advice and warn her about her pregnancy, as a poorly cared for flu can lead to the development of dangerous secondary infections, such as pneumonia.

Only the doctor, aware that the woman is pregnant, can adequately indicate which medicines she can take. Caution is very important, as even harmless-looking medicines such as anti-flu should not be used by pregnant women.

"These drugs contain vasoconstrictors like epinephrine, which can lead to pressure drop and cause tachycardia in pregnant women," warns gynecologist and obstetrician Lizandra Marcondes.

Maintaining a healthy diet can help strengthen the immune system, as the nutrients in good foods are great allies in fighting infection. Getting plenty of rest, avoiding stress and drinking plenty of fluids can also be of great help.

Safe and Natural Tips to Relieve Flu Symptoms in Pregnant Women

  • Maintain a routine of balanced meals that include fruits, vegetables and legumes, as these foods are natural sources of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins and fats that will help strengthen the body and the resulting energy to fight the flu;
  • Drink plenty of fluids, especially water, natural fruit juices, coconut water and various teas. Teas are especially good for relieving colds, it is just important that they do not contain caffeine;
  • If the nose is stuffy, do not use nasal decongestants, try inhaling with saline only. If you do not have an inhaler at home, pour warm water into a basin, add two or three drops of eucalyptus or mint oil, and with a towel over your head, breathe with your face close to the solution;
  • If you are tired from constant coughs and a sore throat, prepare a chamomile tea with honey and lemon to relax and relieve the discomfort;
  • Gargle with salt and water to help with the most severe throat infections;
  • In the circumstances of sinusitis, try placing two drops of marjoram essential oil on a handkerchief and inhaling it frequently;
  • Rest as much as you can, as sleep helps the body recover.

It is essential that throughout the pregnancy the woman maintains frequent contact with her doctor, as she is the ideal person to monitor her health, avoid problems, alleviate unpleasant symptoms and fight diseases efficiently and without risk to the future mother and her baby. .

Giving your trusted doctor contacts to family members, co-workers, and people you live with is important so that during your pregnancy, if you have any need, you can be helped in any context.

Samantha's Flu and Pregnancy Story (April 2024)

  • Pregnancy, Colds and Flu
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