What is the difference between filter and water purifier?

Filters and water purifiers are devices designed to improve the quality of household water, which according to Sanitary Surveillance experts would not need to be filtered, since the treatment performed by the public supply system is sufficient.

Nevertheless, in many places the poor quality of water that reaches consumers' taps, especially with regard to changing taste and odor, is evident, but it may be justified: lack of maintenance of water pipes and water tanks .

To this extent, filters and water purifiers prove to be efficient for consumers, as they are not only capable of eliminating possible contamination that water has suffered through the plumbing of the house, but also of changing taste and odor. of this water. However, the wide variety of devices for this purpose may cast doubt on the nomenclature and functions of these products.

Although there are different products, pressure filters, gravity filters, ozonator or purifier, according to the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards? ABNT? Filters and water purifiers are not considered different products in their function of improving water quality.

In addition, according to information published by the INMETRO website, tests performed with products of different brands confirm whereas both the filtering and purifying labels refer to products with the same function. Whether called filters or purifiers, appliances that aim to improve water quality must be capable of microbiological control, chlorine reduction and the retention of undesirable particles in water.

It is worth noting that in all studies, the importance of keeping the water box always clean, as poor hygiene can be a focus of water contamination, has been reiterated.

In addition, consumers should be aware of the presence of the INMETRO seal, which ensures that the product has been properly tested and indicates its capacity. Research also shows that consumers should not be impressed by promises of pure or crystal clear water, as this does not mean that the filter fights bacteria or eliminates potential health risks. Therefore, when in doubt as to where the water comes from, it is best not to rely solely on the filter and to boil the water for at least 15 minutes before consuming it.

Difference Between RO, UV and UR Water Purifier (April 2024)

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